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  • H
  • Haceldama (region): The "field of blood" outside Jerusalem, mentioned in the Matthew 27 and Acts 1.
    Hacon (settlement): also ʿAkkā (Acre), a coastal city in the eastern Mediterranean
    Halaph (settlement): city in northern Syria
    Halremunt (region): A county in Germany
    Halzon (settlement): also ʿAkkā (Acre), a coastal city in the eastern Mediterranean
    Hamath (settlement): A city in Syria
    Harbe (settlement): A city "in the east" whose inhabitants reportedly practice female genital mutilation, not clearly identified
    Haringe (fortification): A castle in northwestern Syria
    Hay (settlement): An ancient city mentioned in the Bible
    Haylon (fortification): An ancient castle in which John the Baptist was beheaded
    Helia (settlement): A city in Filasṭīn
    Helisei mansio (monastery): a place on Mount Carmel near Haifa
    Hermon (mountain): a mountain of Syria (Mount Hermon)
    Hermon minor (mountain): A place
    Herodium (fortification): A castle on a hill 12 km south of Jerusalem
    Hiericho (settlement): town of Filasṭīn
    Hierusalem (settlement): A city in Filasṭīn
    Horma (settlement): An ancient city whose king was killed by Joshua, according to the biblical account of the Israelite conquest of Canaan
    Hormenia (region): Armenia
    hospitale Sanctus Iohannis (building): i.e. the Muristan in Jerusalem
    Hus (region): mentioned in Job 1:1
  • I
  • Iaboc (river): A river in Syria
    Iaf (settlement): A city on the coast of Filastin
    Iamnia (settlement): A village near al-Ramla in Filastin
    Iebus (settlement): A city in Filasṭīn
    Iericho (settlement): town of Filasṭīn
    Ierosolima (settlement): A city in Filasṭīn
    Ierosolimitanus patriarcha (diocese): A place
    Ierusalem (settlement): A city in Filasṭīn
    Iesrahel fons (spring): A spring in the Jezreel Valley mentioned in the Bible (1 Sam. 29:1)
    Iesrahel (settlement): A medieval village on the site of the ancient biblical city of Jezreel
    Ildraco (fortification): "castle in Transjordan"
    ilex Mambre (natural feature): A tree mentioned in the biblical account of Abraham (Gen. 18:1)
    India (region): The region of India
    Iopea (settlement): A city on the coast of Filastin
    Ioppe (settlement): A city on the coast of Filastin
    Iordanes (river): A river flowing into the Dead Sea from the north
    Iordanes paruus (river): A river flowing into the Sea of Galilee between Bethsaida and Capernaum
    Iordanis planicies (region): The valley of the Jordan in al-Sham
    Ior (river): A tributary of the Jordan River
    Iosaphat sepulcrum (building): A tomb in the valley of Jehoshaphat thought to be that of the ancient King Jehoshaphat of Judah himself
    Iosaphat uallis (region): i.e. Kidron Valley, outside Jerusalem
    Iotapata (settlement): A fortified village besieged & captured by the Romans during the Jewish Revolt
    Iouis olympiaci hospitale (temple): A temple dedicated to Zeus atop Mt. Gerizim, according to ancient sources
    Israel (state): The Northern Kingdom of Israel described in the Bible
    Israel (state): The united kingdom of Saul, David, and Solomon described in the Bible
    Itabyrion (mountain): A place
    Iuda mons (region): A portion of the ancient region of Judea which was hilly, often referred to in the Bible
    Iudea (region): A place
    Iudee lacus (open water): A place
    iudiciaria porta (building): A gate of Jerusalem
    Iudin (fortification): A castle northeast of Acre
    Iulia (settlement): A village on the Sea of Galilee, mentioned in the Gospels
  • K
  • Kabul (region): A region mentioned in the Bible (1 Kings 9:13)
    Karon (settlement): An ancient Philistine city mentioned in the Bible
    Krach (fortification): fortress in Syria
    Krach (fortification): "castle in Transjordan"
  • L
  • Lachis (settlement): A town in ancient Israel, mentioned in the Bible
    lacus aspalti (open water): A place
    Laiacium (settlement): "Also Latakia, on the coast of Syria"
    Lais (settlement): An ancient Canaanite town, mentioned in the Bible
    Lamezim (settlement): on the island Cyprus
    Laodicea (diocese): Latin bishopric
    Lebna (settlement): An ancient Canaanite city mentioned in the Bible (Joshua 10:29)
    Leopardorum mons (mountain): A mountain near Tripoli in Syria
    Lesen Dan (settlement): An ancient Canaanite town, mentioned in the Bible
    Libanus (mountain): "Also known as "Jabal Lubnān""
    Lisa (settlement): "Also Latakia, on the coast of Syria"
    lithostratos (quarter): the place of Jesus's trial before Pilate in John 19:13
    locus Helie (unknown): A place between Jerusalem and Bethlehem
    locus (unknown): spot on the shore of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus invited his disciples to eat fish after his resurrection (John 21)
    locus (unknown): place on the Mount of Olives where Jesus reportedly ascended to heaven, mentioned in Acts 1:9-11
    locus (unknown): place where Helena found the true cross
    locus (unknown): A place outside the east gate of Tyre where Jesus was believed to have been preaching in Luke 11:28
    locus (unknown): place where Jesus called Matthew from the custom house, mentioned in Matthew 9:9
    locus (unknown): place where the Virgin Mary died
    locus pastorum (region): A field outside Bethlehem where it was believed angels had appeared to shepherds who went to find the infant Jesus (Luke 2)
    locus Sancti Iohannis Baptistae (unknown): A place near the house reported to be that of Zacharias, father of John the Baptist
    Lombardia (region): A wide region in the land of the Franks between Constantinople and al-Andalus
    Luza (settlement): A city in ancient Israel mentioned in the Bible
    Lybde (settlement): A village in Filastin
    Lydda (settlement): A village in Filastin
  • M
  • Maceda (settlement): An ancient Canaanite city conquered by Joshua, mentioned in the Bible
    Macherunta (fortification): An ancient castle in which John the Baptist was beheaded
    Machmas (settlement): A village in ancient Israel mentioned in the Bible
    Machmethath (unknown): A place mentioned in the Bible (Joshua 16:6; 17:7)
    Madian (region): A place
    Magdalis (settlement): An ancient town on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee
    Magdalum (settlement): An ancient town on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee
    Magedan (unknown): A place near the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 15:39)
    Magedo (settlement): A town in ancient Israel, mentioned in the Bible
    Magedo (region): A plain in central Palestine
    Mahanaym (settlement): An ancient town near the Jabbok River, mentioned in the Bible
    Mambre (unknown): A site near Hebron, mentioned in the Bible
    Mambre (region): A valley between Hebron and Jerusalem
    Mamistere (settlement): A city of Cilicia, ancient Mopsuestia
    Manacusine (fortification): A castle near Qulayʿāt in Syria
    mare Galilee (open water): A place
    mare indicum (open water): The Indian Ocean
    mare magnum (open water): A place

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