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al-NBYLH (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Neokastron (fortification): A fortress in the Peloponnese
Nephin (fortification): A fortress near Anafa
new Hebron (fortification): A fort built around the tombs of the Patriarchs outside old Hebron
Nghir (fortification): A place
al-NWʾSh (fortification): A castle in Yemen
NYRWH (fortification): A castle in the district of al-Zawazān
Okba (fortification): fortress in Persia
Orotan (fortification): A place
Pilgrim Castle (fortification): A castle on the coast under Mount Carmel, three leagues south of Haifa
al-Qadmūs (fortification): "castle in Syria"
Qahandaz (fortification): A place
al-Qalʿa al-Jadīda (fortification): A castle on a mountain in Mesopotamia
Qalamun (fortification): A fortress one league from Tripoli
Qalʿat Abī l-Muʿallas (fortification): A castle on the mountain al-Ṣulw in Yemen
Qalʿat Barqa (fortification): A castle in the district of al-Zawazān
Qalʿat Bashīr (fortification): Fort in Zawazān region
Qalʿat al-Farrukhān (fortification): A castle near al-Ray
Qalʿat Jaʿbar (fortification): A castle on the Euphrates
Qalʿat al-Marʾa (fortification): fortress near Mārdīn
Qalʿat al-Rūm (fortification): A fortified castle on the upper Euphrates, modern Rumkale
Qalawdhiya (fortification): A castle near Malatya
Qāqūn (fortification): A castle in Filastin near al-Ramla
Qarabāqa (fortification): A castle north of Mursiya in al-Andalus
Qarāmīs (fortification): fortress near Malatya
Qarn Baql (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Qarn ʿIshār (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Qashb (fortification): A castle near Zaragoza
Qaṣr Banī l-Aghlab (fortification): A castle in al-Malʿab outside of Tunis
Qaṣr al-Ghaḍbān (fortification): Outside of Basra
Qaṣr Ḥabash (fortification): A place near Takrīt
Qaṣr Ḥumrān (fortification): A castle in the desert between al-`Aqaba and al-Qa`
Qaṣr Ibn Bisṭām (fortification): A place mentioned in poetry alongside Dayr Marḥannā
Qaṣr Ibn Ḥamdūn (fortification): A place mentioned in poetry alongside Bazūghā
Qaṣr Ibn Maymūn (fortification): Near Tripoli in Libya
al-Qaṣr al-Kabīr (fortification): "in the Maghrib"
Qaṣr Kawkabān (fortification): A castle on the mountain Kawkabān in Yemen
Qaṣr al-Majāz (fortification): "in the Maghrib"
Qaṣr al-Milḥ (fortification): Near Ray
Qaṣr al-MRʾJL (fortification): A place near al-ʿAqīq
al-Qaṣr al-MShYD (fortification): A place in the Arabian peninsula
Qaṣr Qaranbā (fortification): The site of a battle in Khurasān
Qaṣr Qubāʾ (fortification): A place mentioned in poetry alongside Burqat Khākh
Qaṣr Rūnāsh (fortification): A place in Dizbahl in the region of Khuzistān
Qaṣr al-Zaʿāfiya (fortification): "in Libya"
Qaṣr Zaydān (fortification): A castle in the Maghrib, three days from Ajdābiya
Qaṭīʿā (fortification): fortress near Malatya
Qaymūn (fortification): A castle near al-Ramla in Filasṭīn
Qayqān (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Qif Unzur (fortification): A fortress near Bitlis.
QLSWM (fortification): A castle in Yemen
QʾNYWS (fortification): The castle in al-Wārithūn, the seat of the Byzantine strategos of Thrakesion
Qulayʿāt (fortification): A coastal castle between Tripoli and Tartus
Qurrah (fortification): The seat of the strategos of Cappadocia
Qusanṭāna (fortification): A castle near Dāniya in al-Andalus (modern Cocentaina)
al-Quṣayr (fortification): A castle near Antioch (Cursat, now Koz Castle)
al-QYBʾR (fortification): A castle between Antioch and the Thughūr
Rabasa (fortification): fortress in Cappadocia
Rayma (fortification): One of the fortifications of San`a belonging to the Banu Zubayd
al-Rayyān (fortification): A rampart in Medina
RMḤSW (fortification): A castle in the kleisoura of Charsianon
al-Ruḥāba (fortification): A fortress in Medina
Rumeli Hisarı (fortification): A place
Rustamkuwayh (fortification): A place
Safed Castle (fortification): A castle in Galilee overlooking the Sea of Tiberias
Saghman (fortification): fortress in Armenia
Saʿīdābādh (fortification): A castle in Fars near Rāmajird and Iṣṭakhr
Sākan (fortification): fortress in Ṭūr ʿAbdīn
Saleph (fortification): The castle of Silifke
Salʿ (fortification): A fortress in Wādī Mūsā in the neighborhood of Jerusalem
Sallār (fortification): A place
Sālūs (fortification): stronghold in Cilicia
Samokhart (fortification): fortress of Sōphēnē
Sang-i Surakh (fortification): A castle between Herat and Ghaznayn, where the last Ghaznavid ruler was imprisoned until his death
Sargah (fortification): place between Dārā and Nisibis
Sārīn (fortification): fortress, in Syria?
Sarja (fortification): A citadel between Nusaybin, Dunaysir, and Dara
Sēmalouos (fortification): fortress in Asia Minor
Shaʿbayn (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Shabwa (fortification): A castle in Yemen on the mountain Rayma
Shahapōnk‘ (fortification): A place
al-Shahbāʾ (fortification): "(citadel of Aleppo)"
al-Shahbāʾ (fortification): "(citadel of Mardīn)"
Shāh Diz (fortification): A castle on Jabal Shahriyār built by Naṣr b. al-Ḥasan b. Fīrūzān al-Daylamī in 360 A.H.
Shāh Diz (fortification): A castle outside Isfahan build in 500 A.H. by Malikshāh
al-Shāh (fortification): One of two fortresses near Samarra (the other being al-ʿArūs)
Shalūbīniya (fortification): A fortress in al-Andalus
Shamīlān (fortification): A fortress near Tus in Khurasan
Shamiram (fortification): A place
Shamrīn (fortification): fortress near Malatya
Shant Bayṭara (fortification): A place
Shaqīf Dubbayn (fortification): A small castle near Antioch
al-Sharaf (fortification): A castle in Yemen near Zabid
Shāriqa (fortification): A castle near Valencia in eastern al-Andalus (modern Jérica)
Sharmaghūl (fortification): A fortress in Khurasan four farsakhs from Nasa
Shātān (fortification): A castle in Diyar Bakr
Shatar (fortification): A castle in Arran between Bardha'a and Ganja
al-Shawbak (fortification): A crusader castle between ʿAmmān and Ayla
Shayzar (fortification): A castle in Syria
al-Shifaʿ (fortification): A castle in Yemen

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