Muḥammad b. ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Abū Bakr al-Bukhārī


A person


  • Arabic: محمد بن عمر بن عبد العزيز أبو بكر البخاري = Muḥammad b. ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Abū Bakr al-Bukhārī 1


  • Male

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Event DescriptionDate
Event mentioned by Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī.1 before c. 1225c.1225877 A.H. / 14721995


  • 1Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī, Muʿjam al-buldān (Beirut: Dār Ṣādr, 1995), (3) 316 [Arabic].

How to Cite This Entry

Thomas A. Carlson, “Muḥammad b. ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Abū Bakr al-Bukhārī” in Thomas A. Carlson, ed. Historical Index of the Medieval Middle East, last modified September 16, 2021,

Additional credit information:

  • Thomas A. Carlson: Data merging and XML and gender assignment, matching, and transliteration from Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī’s Muʿjam al-Buldān
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