Central Asian nomads

URI https://medievalmideast.org/person/13568

A group


  • Armenian: Ազգի նետաւղի = Azgi netawghi 1
  • Armenian: Ազգի նետողաց = Azgi netoghats‘ 2
  • Armenian: Ազգին նետողաց = Azgin netoghats‘ 3-32
  • Armenian: Ազգն նետողաց = Azgn netoghats‘ 33-62
  • Armenian: Ազգն նետողական = Azgn netoghakan 63
  • Armenian: Ազինն նետողաց = Azinn netoghats‘ 39, 44
  • Armenian: Նետողաց = Netoghats‘ 64-66
  • Armenian: Նետողաց ազգ = Netoghats‘ azg 67-71
  • Armenian: Նետողական = Netoghakan 72
  • Armenian: Նետողական ազգ = Netoghakan azg 73-78
  • Armenian: Նետողականք = Netoghakank‘ 79


  • Group

Temporal Data

to Sort:
1350140014501500155016001650170017501800185019001950Event mentioned by Karapet .Event mentioned by Pawghos .Event mentioned by Yohannēs .Event mentioned by Hayrapet .Event mentioned by Abeghay .Event mentioned by Hayrapet .Event mentioned by Yovsēp‘ .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by Yakob .Event mentioned by Awetis .Event mentioned by Hayrapet .Event mentioned by Yakob .Event mentioned by Hayrapet .Event mentioned by Hayrapet .Event mentioned by Atom .Event mentioned by Grigor .Event mentioned by T‘umashay .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by Hayrapet .Event mentioned by Ghazar .Event mentioned by Hayrapet .Event mentioned by Step‘anos .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by Astuatsatur .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by T‘umay Minasents‘ .Event mentioned by Mkrtich‘ .Event mentioned by Yovhannēs .Event mentioned by Mkhit‘ar .Event mentioned by T‘uma Minasents‘ .Event mentioned by Kirakos .Event mentioned by T‘umay Minasents‘ .Event mentioned by Yohanēs .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by Sargis .Event mentioned by T‘umay Minasents‘ .Event mentioned by Karapet .Event mentioned by Yohannēs Sebastats‘i .Event mentioned by Grigor (Tserents‘) Khlat‘ets‘i .Event mentioned by Matt‘ēos .Event mentioned by Grigor (Tserents‘) Khlat‘ets‘i .Event mentioned by Ṛstakēs .Event mentioned by Grigor (Tserents‘) Khlat‘ets‘i .Event mentioned by Grigor (Tserents‘) Khlat‘ets‘i .Event mentioned by Tirats‘u .Event mentioned by Grigor Tat‘ewats‘i .Event mentioned by Khach‘atur .Event mentioned by Petros .Event mentioned by Step‘annos .Event mentioned by Step‘anos .Event mentioned by Sargis .Event mentioned by Grigoris .Event mentioned by Awag .Event mentioned by T‘uma .Event mentioned by Sargis .Event mentioned by Kiwrion .Event mentioned by Karapet .Event mentioned by Yovannēs .Event mentioned by Yovannēs .Event mentioned by Sargis .Event mentioned by Kiwrion .Event mentioned by Yakob .Event mentioned by Abraham .Event mentioned by Ṛstakēs .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by Sarkawag .Event mentioned by Abraham .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by Yovanēs .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by Daniēl .Event mentioned by Khach‘er .Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.Event mentioned by Mkrtich‘ .Event mentioned by Daniēl .Event mentioned by Yovhannēs (?) .Event mentioned by Yovannēs .Event mentioned by T‘adēos .Event mentioned by Mkrtich‘ .



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Show table of instances where this person is mentioned
Event DescriptionDate
Event mentioned by Yovannēs.1 1304130413041950
Event mentioned by Yovannēs.2 1331133113311950
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.3 1312131213121950
Event mentioned by Kiwrion.4 1333133313331950
Event mentioned by Grigor (Tserents‘) Khlat‘ets‘i.5 1408140814081955
Event mentioned by Yohannēs Sebastats‘i.6 1411141114111955
Event mentioned by T‘umay Minasents‘.7 1420142014201955
Event mentioned by Yohanēs.8 1421142114211955
Event mentioned by T‘umay Minasents‘.9 1425142514251955
Event mentioned by Kirakos.10 1426142614261955
Event mentioned by T‘uma Minasents‘.11 1428142814281955
Event mentioned by Yovhannēs.12 1441144114411955
Event mentioned by Mkrtich‘.13 1443144314431955
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.14 1444144414441955
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.15 1449144914491955
Event mentioned by Step‘anos.16 1454145414541958
Event mentioned by Hayrapet.17 1455145514551958
Event mentioned by Hayrapet.18 1459145914591958
Event mentioned by T‘umashay.19 1462146214621958
Event mentioned by Grigor.20 1463146314631958
Event mentioned by Atom.21 1464146414641958
Event mentioned by Hayrapet.22 1465146514651958
Event mentioned by Hayrapet.23 1467146714671958
Event mentioned by Yakob.24 1469146914691958
Event mentioned by Yakob.25 1470147014701958
Event mentioned by Awetis.26 1470147014701958
Event mentioned by Hayrapet.27 1470147014701958
Event mentioned by Abeghay.28 1476147614761958
Event mentioned by Hayrapet.29 1476147614761958
Event mentioned by Hayrapet.30 1478147814781958
Event mentioned by Pawghos.31 1479147914791958
Event mentioned by Yohannēs.32 1479147914791958
Event mentioned by Mkrtich‘.33 1302130213021950
Event mentioned by T‘adēos.34 1303130313031950
Event mentioned by Yovhannēs (?).35 1305130513051950
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.36 1307130713071950
Event mentioned by Daniēl.37 1307130713071950
Event mentioned by Khach‘er.38 1307130713071950
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.39 1307130713071950
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.40 1308130813081950
Event mentioned by Yovanēs.41 1308130813081950
Event mentioned by Sarkawag.42 1310131013101950
Event mentioned by Abraham.43 1310131013101950
Event mentioned by Abraham.44 1315131513151950
Event mentioned by Ṛstakēs.45 1315131513151950
Event mentioned by Kiwrion.46 1321132113211950
Event mentioned by Yovannēs.47 1327132713271950
Event mentioned by Sargis.48 1335133513351950
Event mentioned by Awag.49 1337133713371950
Event mentioned by Grigoris.50 1340134013401950
Event mentioned by Step‘anos.51 1348134813481950
Event mentioned by Step‘annos.52 1355135513551950
Event mentioned by Khach‘atur.53 1386138613861950
Event mentioned by Tirats‘u.54 1388138813881950
Event mentioned by Grigor (Tserents‘) Khlat‘ets‘i.55 1393139313931950
Event mentioned by Grigor (Tserents‘) Khlat‘ets‘i.56 1393139313931950
Event mentioned by Ṛstakēs.57 1397139713971950
Event mentioned by Matt‘ēos.58 1407140714071955
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.59 1421142114211955
Event mentioned by T‘umay Minasents‘.60 1444144414441955
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.61 1462146214621958
Event mentioned by Yovsēp‘.62 1473147314731958
Event mentioned by Karapet.63 1413141314131955
Event mentioned by Sargis.64 1325132513251950
Event mentioned by Grigor Tat‘ewats‘i.65 1387138713871950
Event mentioned by Ghazar.66 1457145714571958
Event mentioned by Petros.67 1363136313631950
Event mentioned by Grigor (Tserents‘) Khlat‘ets‘i.68 1402140214021955
Event mentioned by Sargis.69 1421142114211955
Event mentioned by Astuatsatur.70 1445144514451955
Event mentioned by an Armenian scribe.71 1473147314731958
Event mentioned by Mkhit‘ar.72 1437143714371955
Event mentioned by Daniēl.73 1306130613061950
Event mentioned by Mkrtich‘.74 1307130713071950
Event mentioned by Yakob.75 1318131813181950
Event mentioned by Karapet.76 1333133313331950
Event mentioned by Sargis.77 1342134213421950
Event mentioned by Karapet.78 1480148014801958
Event mentioned by T‘uma.79 1336133613361950


  • 1L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 30 p. 26 [Armenian].
    • Azgi netawłi: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1304 (no. 5) [English].
  • 2L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 293a p. 235 [Armenian].
    • Azgi netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1331 (no. 3) [English].
  • 3L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 114 p. 84 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1312 (no. 1) [English].
  • 4L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 317 p. 257 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1333 (no. 3) [English].
  • 5L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 88 I: p. 91 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1408 (no. 3) [English].
  • 6L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 126 I: p. 124 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1411 (no. 3) [English].
  • 7L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 263 I: p. 238-239 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1420 (no. 1) [English].
  • 8L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 284a I: p. 257 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1421 (no. 8) [English].
  • 9L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), nos. 345a, b I: pp. 326-327 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1425 (no. 1) [English].
  • 10L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 372 I: p. 354 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1426 (no. 5) [English].
  • 11L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 400a I: pp. 374-376 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1428 (no. 1) [English].
  • 12L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 582a I: p. 516 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1441 (no. 4) [English].
  • 13L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 620 I: p. 545 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1443 (no. 1) [English].
  • 14L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 642 I: p. 570 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1444 (no. 5) [English].
  • 15L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 708 I: p. 634 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1449 (no. 2) [English].
  • 16L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 58 II: p. 46 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1454 (no. 6) [English].
  • 17L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 77 II: p. 57 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1455 (no. 4) [English].
  • 18L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 166a II: p. 127 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1459 (no. 9) [English].
  • 19L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 221 II: pp. 172-177 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1462 (no. 3) [English].
  • 20L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 246 II: p. 198 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1463 (no. 11) [English].
  • 21L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 271 II: p. 224 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1464 (no. 13) [English].
  • 22L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 291 II: p. 239 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1465 (no. 7) [English].
  • 23L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 327 II: p. 257 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1467 (no. 3) [English].
  • 24L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 374a II: p. 292 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1469 (no. 8) [English].
  • 25L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 380 II: p. 297 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1470 (no. 1) [English].
  • 26L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 383 II: p. 299 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1470 (no. 3) [English].
  • 27L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 386 II: p. 303 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1470 (no. 4) [English].
  • 28L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 505 II: p. 402 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1476 (no. 11) [English].
  • 29L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 508 II: p. 407 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1476 (no. 12) [English].
  • 30L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 545 II: p. 431 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1478 (no. 5) [English].
  • 31L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 556a II: p. 438 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1479 (no. 3) [English].
  • 32L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 557 II: p. 438 [Armenian].
    • Azgin netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1479 (no. 4) [English].
  • 33L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 8 p. 6 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1302 (no. 1) [English].
  • 34L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 16a p. 15 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1303 (no. 3) [English].
  • 35L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 45 p. 35 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1305 (no. 2) [English].
  • 36L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 61 p. 46 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1307 (no. 1) [English].
  • 37L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 62 p. 47 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1307 (no. 2) [English].
  • 38L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 63a p. 48 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1307 (no. 3) [English].
  • 39L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 65 p. 51 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘, Azinn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1307 (no. 5) [English].
  • 40L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 73 p. 56 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1308 (no. 1) [English].
  • 41L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 74 p. 57 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1308 (no. 2) [English].
  • 42L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 89 pp. 65-66 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1310 (no. 1) [English].
  • 43L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 91 pp. 67-68 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1310 (no. 3) [English].
  • 44L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 150 p. 113 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘, Azinn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1315 (no. 1) [English].
  • 45L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 151 pp. 114-115 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1315 (no. 2) [English].
  • 46L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 207a p. 166 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1321 (no. 1) [English].
  • 47L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 254 p. 202 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1327 (no. 1) [English].
  • 48L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 336a p. 271 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1335 (no. 5) [English].
  • 49L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 360 p. 292 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1337 (no. 1) [English].
  • 50L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 400 p. 325 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1340 (no. 2) [English].
  • 51L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 447 p. 368 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1348 (no. 1) [English].
  • 52L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 439 p. 411 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1355 (no. 1) [English].
  • 53L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 702a pp. 561-562 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1386 (no. 2) [English].
  • 54L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 719 p. 574 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1388 (no. 2) [English].
  • 55L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), nos. 746a, b pp. 599-601 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1393 (no. 1) [English].
  • 56L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 747 p. 602 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1393 (no. 2) [English].
  • 57L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 772 p. 618 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1397 (no. 1) [English].
  • 58L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 75 I: p. 76 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1407 (no. 2) [English].
  • 59L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 282 I: p. 256 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1421 (no. 6) [English].
  • 60L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 637a I: pp. 563-566 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1444 (no. 2) [English].
  • 61L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 222 II: pp. 177-178 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1462 (no. 4) [English].
  • 62L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 433 II: p. 342 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1473 (no. 1) [English].
  • 63L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 154a I: p. 149 [Armenian].
    • Azgn netołakan: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1413 (no. 2) [English].
  • 64L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 239 p. 192 [Armenian].
    • Netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1325 (no. 1) [English].
  • 65L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 709 pp. 567-568 [Armenian].
    • Netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1387 (no. 1) [English].
  • 66L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), nos. 111a, b II: pp. 79-80 [Armenian].
    • Netołac‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1457 (no. 1) [English].
  • 67L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 553 p. 458 [Armenian].
    • Netołac‘ azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1363 (no. 1) [English].
  • 68L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 23 I: p. 26 [Armenian].
    • Netołac‘ azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1402 (no. 3) [English].
  • 69L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 288b I: p. 260 [Armenian].
    • Netołac‘ azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1421 (no. 9) [English].
  • 70L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 658 I: p. 586 [Armenian].
    • Netołac‘ azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1445 (no. 4) [English].
  • 71L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 434 II: p. 343 [Armenian].
    • Netołac‘ azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1473 (no. 2) [English].
  • 72L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1955), no. 515 I: p. 471 [Armenian].
    • Netołakan: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1437 (no. 2) [English].
  • 73L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 54 p. 41 [Armenian].
    • Netołakan azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1306 (no. 1) [English].
  • 74L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 64a p. 50 [Armenian].
    • Netołakan azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1307 (no. 4) [English].
  • 75L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 178 pp. 138-139 [Armenian].
    • Netołakan azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1318 (no. 1) [English].
  • 76L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 320 p. 259 [Armenian].
    • Netołakan azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1333 (no. 4) [English].
  • 77L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 409 p. 331 [Armenian].
    • Netołakan azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1342 (no. 1) [English].
  • 78L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1958), no. 566 II: p. 444 [Armenian].
    • Netołakan azg: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1480 (no. 3) [English].
  • 79L. S. Khach‘ikyan, ed., XIV Dari Hayeren Dzeṛagreri Hishatakaranner (Yerevan: Haykakan S. S. Ṛ. Gitut‘yunneri Akademiayi Hratarakch‘ut‘yun, 1950), no. 348 p. 283 [Armenian].
    • Netołakank‘: Avedis K. Sanjian, Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts, 1301-1480: A Source for Middle Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), 1336 (no. 2) [English].

How to Cite This Entry

Thomas A. Carlson and McKenzie Cady, “Central Asian nomads” in Thomas A. Carlson, ed. Historical Index of the Medieval Middle East, last modified September 16, 2021, https://medievalmideast.org/person/13568.

Additional credit information:

  • Thomas A. Carlson: Data merging and XML and gender assignment, matching, Armenian collection/transliteration from Sanjian's Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts
  • McKenzie Cady: citation generation from Sanjian's Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts
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