Komnene, Anna

URI https://medievalmideast.org/person/13837

Fifteenth-century princess of Trebizond


  • Greek: Ἄνναν = Annan 2


  • Female

Temporal Data

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Event DescriptionDate
Event mentioned by Laonikos Chalkokondyles.1 before 14641464-1468mid-late 15th C2014
Event mentioned by Georgios Amiroutzes.2 before 14701464-1470mid-late 15th C2014


  • 1Anna: Laonikos Chalkokondyles, The Histories, ed. Anthony Kaldellis (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2014), para. 9.76-77 [Greek with English translation].
  • 2Anna: Laonikos Chalkokondyles, The Histories, ed. Anthony Kaldellis (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2014), para. 9.79-80; 10.13 [Greek with English translation].

How to Cite This Entry

Thomas A. Carlson, Laurel Kenner, and Josh Kuch, “Komnene, Anna” in Thomas A. Carlson, ed. Historical Index of the Medieval Middle East, last modified September 16, 2021, https://medievalmideast.org/person/13837.

Additional credit information:

  • Thomas A. Carlson: Data merging and XML; abstract; and gender assignment, matching, Greek collection and transliteration from Chalkokondyles' history
  • Laurel Kenner: Wikipedia matching
  • Josh Kuch: categorization from Chalkokondyles' history
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