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Kings of Ghassān (Group): A group
Kings of Judah (Group): A group
kings of Lakedaimōn (Group): A group
kings of Medes (Group): A group
kings of the Corinthians (Group): A group
kings of the Latins (Group): A group
kings of the Lydians (Group): A group
kings of the Macedonians (Group): A group
kings of the Persians (Group): A group
kings of the Sicyonians (Group): A group
Knights Templars (Group): A group
Knossians (Group): people
Koudougeroi (Group): A group
Krites (Group): montanist
Kufjan (Group): A group
Kunāzāʾ (Group): A group
Kurds (Group): A group
Kūrgāḥē (Group): people
Kushites (Group): people
Kutamis (Group): An "ethnic group" from Kairouan, members of which were soldiers of the Fatimid caliph in Cairo.
Kynokephaloi (Group): Cynocephali
Kyrgyz (Group): A group
Kyrrhestians (Group): people of the region around Kyrrhos in northern Syria
al-Labū (Group): A group
Lagids (Group): A group
al-Lāʾiḥiyya (Group): A group
Lakedaimonians (Group): A group
Lakhm (Group): tribe
Laodiceans (Group): A group
Latins (Group): A group
Lazonii (Group): people
Lazonii (Group): people
Levites (Group): Descendants of the Tribe of Levi.
Libyans (Group): A group
Ligyans (Group): also called Ligurians
Līmīs (Group): "(allegedly cannibal) tribe on the Niger "
al-Līrān (Group): A group
Lithuanians (Group): A group
ʿLJH (Group): A group of thugs
Lokrians (Group): A group
Lombards (Group): A group
Lurs (Group): A group
Lybians (Group): Residents of Lybia.
Lycians (Group): A group
Lydians (Group): A group
al-Maʿādī (Group): "brigands near Wāsiṭ "
Maccabean Martyrs (Group): Shmūnī and her sons
Maccabees (Group): dynasty
Macedonians (Group): A group
Maconii (Group): people
Madhḥij (Group): tribe
Magardi (Group): people
Magartei (Group): people
al-Maghāriba (Group): people of the Maghrib (the "Islamic West," or northwestern Africa)
Magi (Group): the magi mentioned in the nativity narrative of Matthew 2
Magog (Group): A group
Malatesta family (Group): A group
Mālawa (Group): "Hindu tribe "
al-Malikāniyya (Group): A group
Mālikites (Group): A group
Manasseh (Group): One of the Tribes of Israel.
Manichaeans (Group): A group
Manicheans (Group): in Persia
Manicheans (Group): at Constantinople
Manioi (Group): people
Marathi (Group): an ethnic group of western India
Marcionites (Group): A group
Mardaites (Group): people of Lebanon
Marmaridae (Group): people
Maronites (Group): A group
Marsi (Group): group
Marwānids (Group): A group
Māʾ al-Samāʾ (Group): "early Arab dynasty in ʿIrāq "
al-Maṣāmida (Group): A Berber tribe
Masamida (Group): A military unit in the Fatimid army
Mashariqa (Group): A military unit in the Fatimid army
Massagetai (Group): an ancient people
Massūfa (Group): "Saharan tribe"
Mattāyē (Group): monks of Mar Mattai
Maximinites (Group): partisans of Maximus the Confessor
al-Mazdakiyya (Group): A group
Mazices (Group): Berbers of north Africa
Medes (Group): A group
Men of the Two Mosques (Group): a faction at al-Ḥilla
Meshech (Group): A group
Mesochaldioi (Group): A group
Messalians (Group): heretics
Messenians (Group): people of the Peloponnese
Midianites (Group): A group
Milesians (Group): inhabitants of Miletos
Mingrelians (Group): A group
Moabites (Group): A group
Moisenians (Group): inhabitants of Characene
Moktinoi (Group): people
monophysites (Group): A group
Monothelites (Group): A group
Montanists (Group): A group
Moors (Group): A group
Mososini (Group): people
Mossini (Group): people

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