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Umm Ṣarīʿ al-Kindiyya (Female): A person
Umm Sharīk (Female): A person
Umm Taʾabbaṭa Sharran (Female): A person
Umm Yaʿmar (Female): A person
Umm Yazīd Ibn al-Ṭathriyya (Female): A person
Umm Zājir (Female): A person
Umm Zayd bt. al-Ḥārith b. Abī l-Jarbāʾ (Female): A person
Umm Zinbāʿ (Female): A person
Unaysa (Female): Wife of Jubayhāʾ al-Ashjaʿī
unnamed Canaanite woman (Female): mentioned in Matthew 15: 21-28
unnamed (Female): wife of Kogh-Basil, foster-mother of Tghay Basil
unnamed (Female): "daughter of al-Malik al-Nāṣir (Muḥammad b. Qalāʾūn)"
unnamed (Female): mother of Mary
unnamed (Female): mother-in-law of sultana Khadīja bt. Jalāl al-Dīn ʿUmar of the Maldives, a wife of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa
unnamed (Female): sister of Ghiyāth al-Dīn Muḥammad Shāh
unnamed (Female): "daughter of Najm al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Ṭabarī, qāḍī of Mecca"
unnamed (Female): "daughter of Shihāb al-Dīn Ibn al-Burhān"
unnamed (Female): wife of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, daughter of a vizier descended from the sultans of the Maldives
unnamed (Female): wife of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, previously a widow of sultan Shihāb al-Dīn of the Maldives
unnamed (Female): wife of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa, daughter-in-law of Vizier ʿAbdallāh in the Maldives
unnamed (Female): one of two wives of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa at the Maldive island of Mulūk
unnamed (Female): one of two wives of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa at the Maldive island of Mulūk
unnamed (Female): Sister of Ḥājiz al-Azdī
unnamed (Female): sister of al-Zabbāʾ
Urdujā (Female): "alleged name of a princess in S. E. Asia"
Urdujā (Female): "Khātūn, fourth wife of Muḥammad Ūzbak, sultan of the Golden Horde"
Vakhakh (Female): A person
Virgin Mary (Female): mother of Jesus
Wajīha bt. Aws al-Ḍabbiyya (Female): A person
Wazīra bt. ʿUmar b. al-Munajjā (Female): She transmitted hadith from Abū ʿAbdallāh al-Ḥusayn b. Abū Bakr b. Mubārak al-Zubaydī to the qāḍī Majd al-Dīn Ismāʿīl b. Muḥammad b. Khudādād.
woman caught in adultery (Female): mentioned in John 8
Yael (Female): mentioned in Book of Judges; wife of Heber the Kenite
al-Yamāma al-Zarqāʾ bt. Sahm b. Ṭasm (Female): A person
Yāniyā (Female): mother of Athanasius Gamaloyo
Yāsmīna bt. Saʿd b. Muḥammad al-Sīrāwandī (Female): A person
al-Zabbāʾ bt. ʿAmr b. Ẓarib al-ʿImlīqī (Female): A person
Zād al-Māl (Female): an enslaved woman at Ẓafāri
Zādmihr (Female): Servant of al-Manṣūr
Zāhida, Sitt (Female): "woman devotee descendant of the caliphs"
Zālifā (Female): A person
Zamrūth (Female): mother of Sarah
Zaynab al-Ḥarra al-Shaʿriyya (Female): A person
Zaynab bt. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. al-Ḥārith b. Hishām (Female): A person
Zaynab bt. Aḥmad al-Maqdisī (Female): "lady teacher at Damascus"
Zaynab bt. ʿĀmir b. al-Ẓarib (Female): A person
Zaynab bt. Jaḥsh (Female): A person
Zaynab bt. Sahl b. Ṣaʿb b. Qays (Female): A person
Zaynab bt. Yūsuf (Female): A person
Zenobia (Female): queen of Palmyra
Zipporah (Female): Wife of Moses
Zoar (Female): wife of Armonios
Zoe (Female): nun
Zoe (Female): Byzantine empress, wife of Constantine Monomachus
Zubayda bt. Abī l-Faḍl Jaʿfar b. al-Manṣūr Umm Jaʿfar (Female): Wife of Hārūn al-Rashīd
Zughar bt. Lūṭ (Female): A person
Zulaykhā (Female): A person
  • Group
  • Aaronim (Group): Samaritan priests who claim to be descendants of biblical Aaron; they marry only among themselves.
    ʿAbbāsids (Group): dynasty of caliphs
    ʿAbbāsids (Group): A group
    Abdāl (Group): substitutes; Syrians who supported the cause of ʿAli
    Abid al-Shira (Group): A group of slaves purchased for the Fatimid caliph.
    Aborigenes (Group): the Latins before they were named after Latinus
    Achaïans (Group): A group
    Adhkas (Group): A group
    ʿĀd (Group): A group
    Adorni family (Group): A group
    Aeginetans (Group): A group
    Aetians (Group): people
    al-Afghān (Group): "tribe near Kābul "
    Afghāns (Group): "in India"
    Aggei (Group): people
    Aghwans (Group): A group
    Agnoētai (Group): heretics
    Ahl al-Andalus (Group): A group
    Ahl al-ʿIrāq (Group): Often referring to an apocalyptic army in Nu'aym
    Ahl Khurāsān (Group): A group
    Ahl al-Maghrib (Group): A group
    al-ʿAjārima (Group): "Syrian Arab tribe "
    Ajems (Group): A group
    Akhiyya (Group): "‘brotherhoods’ at Anṭāliya "
    al-Akrād al-Bashnawiyya (Group): A group
    al-Akrād al-Bukhtiyya (Group): A group
    al-Akrād al-Dāsiniyya (Group): A group
    al-Akrād al-Jūbiyya (Group): A group
    Āl Abī Dulaf (Group): A group
    Āl Abī Ḥafṣa (Group): A group
    Āl Abī Zuhayr (Group): A group
    Al-Anṣār (Group): Helpers
    Alans (Group): A group
    Alawiyyim (Group): Supporters or subjects of the Alids
    Al-Azd (Group): tribe
    Albanians (Group): A people in the Balkans
    Alexandrians (Group): A group
    Al-Ḥamrāʾ (Group): non-Arab foreigners
    Alhān (Group): tribe
    Alids (Group): A group
    Āl Jafna (Group): A group
    ʿAljaskas (Group): A group of Lombards
    Āl al-Julandā b. Karkar (Group): A group
    Āl KNKR (Group): A group

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