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al-Salm bt. Aḥmad b. Kāmil (Female): A person
Salome (Female): sister of Herod the Great
Samīra (Female): One of the Muhājirāt
Ṣandawdāʾ bt. Lakhm b. ʿAdī (Female): A person
Sappho (Female): ancient Greek poet
Sara Hatun (Female): mother of Uzun Hasan
Sarah (Female): Biblical matriarch, wife of Abraham
Sāra al-Quraẓiyya (Female): A person
Sargo (Female): a woman
Saribēk (Female): A person
Sāṭī Beg (Female): "ruler of the Ilkhanate (1338-39 CE), daughter of the sultan Öljaitu"
Sawda bt. ʿUmayr b. Hudhayl (Female): A person
Selene (Female): daughter of Cleopatra
Semelē (Female): mother of Dionysos
Semiramis (Female): ancient Assyrian queen
Severa (Female): empress, wife of Valentinian I
Shāna bt. Yaʿqūb (Female): A person
Sheba (Female): daughter of Sheba
Shīrīn (Female): Wife of Khusraw Parwīz
Shīrīn bt. Rustam al-Iṣpahbadh (Female): Mother of Majd al-Dawla b. Fakhr al-Dawla b. Buyah.
Shīrīn al-Qibṭiyya (Female): A person
Shmūnī (Female): mother of the Maccabean martyrs
Shuhda al-Kātiba bt. Aḥmad b. al-Faraj al-Ibarī (Female): A person
Sitt al-Mulūk Fāṭima (Female): "woman traditionist"
Sitt al-Quṣūr (Female): A person
Sophia (Female): wife of Justin II, empress
Sukayna bt. Abī Bakr Muḥammad b. al-Muẓaffar al-Sirkānī (Female): A person
Sukayna bt. Abī Waqqāṣ (Female): A person
Sukayna bt. al-Ḥusayn (Female): A person
Sumayya Umm Ziyād (Female): A person
Sūrāʾ bt. Ardawān b. Bāṭī (Female): A person
Tadūra (Female): identified as a witch
Ṭaghī Khātūn (Female): "wife of ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Artana"
T‘amar (Female): A person
Ṭamiyya bt. Jām b. Jummā b. TRʾWH (Female): A person
Taqshīth (Female): mother of Mani
Ṭarīfa (Female): A priestess
Ṭāsh (Female): "(Ṭāshī) Khātūn"
Ṭayṭughlī (Female): "(Taī-Dula), wife of Muḥammad Ūzbak, Chief Khātūn of the Golden Horde"
Telesilla (Female): poet
Teodora (Female): Jewish convert to Christianity
Thecla (Female): Byzantine empress, wife of Michael II
Theodora (Female): wife of Constantius Chlorus
Theodora (Female): empress, wife of Justinian
Theodora (Female): wife of Emperor Theophilus
Theodora (Female): empress, daughter of Constantine VIII
Theophano (Female): wife of Leo, empress
Theophano (Female): wife of Nikephoros, empress
Thermouthis (Female): daughter of Amenophthis
Thetis (Female): mother of Achilles
Tomyris (Female): Queen of the Massagetai
Tryphaena (Female): daughter of Alexander Ptolemy
Ṭughā Khātūn (Female): "concubine of Öljaitu, former sultan of Irāq"
Ṭulunbeg (Female): wife of al-Malik al-Nāṣir, sultan of Egypt, and daughter of Muhammad Uzbek Khan of the Golden Horde
Tumāḍir bt. Masʿūd b. ʿUqba (Female): A person
Turabek Khātūn (Female): "wife of the ruler of Khwārizm"
ʿUfra bt. Ḥamāma (Female): A person
ʿUkl bt. Dhī al-Liḥya of Ḥimyar (Female): A person
ʿUlayya bt. al-Mahdī (Female): A person
Umāma bt. Ākil al-Marrār (Female): A person
Umayma bt. ʿUmayla (Female): A person
Umm ʿAbdallāh bt. al-Qāsim b. Muḥammad b. Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq (Female): A person
Umm ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. Muʿāwiya b. Ḥudayj (Female): A person
Umm ʿĀtika (Female): Sister of ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb
Umm Awfā (Female): A person
Umm ʿAwn b. Khārija al-Qurashī al-ʿAdawī (Female): A person
Umm Ayman (Female): A person
Umm Bakr b. Aradh al-Muqriyya (Female): A person
Umm al-Ḍaḥḥāk al-Ḍabābiyya (Female): A person
Umm al-Dardāʾ (Female): Hujayma, wife of Abū l-Dardāʾ
Umm al-Duhaym (Female): A person
Umm Faḍl (Female): "wife of Muḥannā b. ʿĪsā"
Umm al-Faḍl b. Yaḥyā b. Barmak (Female): A person
Umm Farwa bt. Abī Quḥāfa (Female): Sister of Abū Bakr
Umm Ḥabība (Female): Daughter of Abū Sufyān, sister of Muʿāwiya, wife of Muḥammad
Umm Ḥabīb bt. al-Rashīd b. al-Mahdī (Female): A person
Umm Ḥabīb bt. Ziyād (Female): A person
Umm Ḥakīm bt. Abī Jahl b. Hishām (Female): A person
Umm Ḥakīm bt. Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥakam b. al-ʿĀṣī (Female): A person
Umm Hāniʾ bt. Abī Ṭālib (Female): A person
Umm al-Ḥasan bt. ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (Female): A person
Umm al-Ḥasan bt. Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq (Female): A person
Umm Ḥawshab (Female): A person
Umm al-Haytham (Female): A person
Umm Ḥazra (Female): A person
Umm al-Hijris bt. ʿAwsaja (Female): A person
Umm Jamīla (Female): A person
Umm Jandub (Female): A person
Umm Kāsib (Female): A person
Umm Kulthūm (Female): mentioned in the poetry of Kathīr
Umm Kulthūm bt. ʿAbdallāh b. ʿĀmir b. Kurayz (Female): A person
Umm Kulthūm bt. ʿAbdallāh b. Jaʿfar (Female): A person
Umm Kulthūm (bt. ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib) (Female): A person
Umm Kulthūm bt. Zayd b. Wadīʿa (Female): A person
Umm Maʿbad bt. al-Ḥārith al-ʿAnsī (Female): A person
Umm Mūsā b. ʿImrān (Female): A person
Umm Mūsā al-Kilābiyya (Female): A person
Umm Salama (Female): One of Muḥammadʾs wives
Umm Salama bt. Abī l-Najm al-Khurāsānī (Female): A person
Umm Salama bt. Yaʿqūb b. Salama al-Makhzūmī (Female): A person

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