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Rabbi Zarach (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Benevento
Rabbi Zedekiah (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Kalat Jabar.
Rabbi Zemach (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Ascoli.
Rabbi Zemach (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Askelon.
Rāfiʿ b. Abī ʿUmar b. ʿĀnid b. Thaʿlaba b. Ghanm b. Mālik b. al-Najjār (Male): "resident of al-Madīna"