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Cozbi (Female): a Midianite woman mentioned in Numbers 25
Cypros (Female): wife of Herod
Daʿd (Female): A person
Dajāja bt. Asmāʾ b. al-Ṣalt al-Sulamiyya (Female): A person
Dakhtanūs bt. Laqīṭ (Female): A person
Dalūka al-ʿAjūz bt. Rayyā (Female): An ancient Egyptian queen, the first to reign after the destruction of the Pharaohs
Danaë (Female): mother of Perseus
Danānīr al-Barmakiyya (Female): A person
Dārī (Female): A Persian woman
Ḍariyya bt. Nizār (Female): A person
Ḍawʾ bt. Ḥamd b. ʿAlī al-Ḥabbāl Umm al-Riḍā (Female): A person
Ḍawʾ al-Ṣabbāḥ bt. Aḥmad al-Dulayjānī (Female): A person
Deborah (Female): prophetess of the Old Testament; wife of Lapidoth
Deborah (Female): nurse of Rebecca in Genesis
Demeter (Female): [=Isis]
DhBYH bt. Bīsha al-Fahmiyya (Female): A person
DhLH bt. Dhī MNShJʾN al-Ḥimyarī (Female): A person
Dido (Female): queen of Carthage
Dilshād (Female): "daughter of Dimashq Khwāja and wife of Abū Saʿīd"
Diocletia (Female): daughter of Diocletian
Diocletiana (Female): daughter of Diocletian
Ḍiyāʾ (Female): Servant of al-Rashīd
Dominica (Female): mother of Valens
Doris (Female): wife of Herod
Dragash, Helene (Female): Byzantine empress (also called Jelena)
Drosis (Female): martyr, daughter of Trajan
Drusilla (Female): wife of Felix
Duhayma bt. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ (Female): A person
Dunyā Khātūn (Female): "wife of Öljaitū, former Mongol sultan of Iraq"
Durdāna bt. Ismāʿīl b. ʿAbd al-Ghāfir al-Fārisī (Female): A person
Eliana (Female): pious woman, wife of Damarios
Elisabeth (Female): wife of a Frankish prince
Elizabeth (Female): mother of John the Baptist
Erinna (Female): poet
Esther (Female): A biblical figure (Book of Esther).
Eudokia (Female): daughter of Herakleos
Eudokia (Female): wife of Constantine Doukas
Eudoxia (Female): Roman empress, wife of Arcadius
Eudoxia (Female): empress, daughter of Theodosius, wife of Valentinian
Eudoxia (Female): wife of Theodosios
Euphemia (Female): martyr
Euphrosyne (Female): Byzantine empress, wife of Michael II
Europa (Female): daughter of Agenor
Eusebia (Female): wife of Constantius
Eusebia (Female): demoniac
Eustolia (Female): the reputed lover of Leontios of Antioch
Eve (Female): A person
Evodia (Female): prophetess
Fākiha (Female): a woman of Banī Zurayq
Fartanā (Female): A person
Fāṭima (Female): daughter of Asad b. Hāshim, mother of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib
Fāṭima (Female): "sister of Khadīja, sultana of the Maldives"
Fāṭima bt. ʿAbdallāh b. Abī Bakr b. Zayda (Female): A person
Fāṭima bt. Abī ʿUthmān al-Ṣābūnī (Female): A person
Fāṭima bt. ʿAlī al-Daqqāq (Female): A person
Fāṭima bt. al-Ḥusayn (Female): A person
Fāṭima bt. Muḥammad (Female): The daughter of Muḥammad and wife of ʿAlī.
Fāṭima bt. Muḥammad b. Ismāʿīl b. Jaʿfar al-Ṣādiq (Female): A person
Fāṭima bt. Qays (Female): A person
Fāṭima bt. Rabīʿa b. Badr Umm Qirfa (Female): A person
Fāṭima bt. Saʿīd b. Sayl (Female): A person
Fāṭima al-Jūzdāniyya (Female): A person
Fiḍḍa (Female): Servant of Fāṭima
Fimi (Female): A person
Fīrūz Khūnda (Female): "sister of Muḥammad Shāh b. Tughluq"
Flaccilla (Female): empress, wife of Theodosios I
Flaviana Domitia (Female): martyr
FRYJNH (Female): A person
Fuhayra bt. al-Ḥārith b. Muḍāḍ al-Jurhumī (Female): A person
Galla (Female): empress, wife of Theodosios I
Georgia (Female): monophysite woman at Constantinople
Ghut‘lumelik‘ (Female): A person
Guhar (Female): A person
Ḥabāba (Female): An enslaved woman of Yazīd b. ʿAbd al-Malik
Ḥabība bt. Khārija b. Zayd b. Zuhayr (Female): A person
Ḥadaq (Female): "Lady, the nurse of al-Malik al-Nāṣir, at Mecca"
Ḥafṣa (Female): Sister of Muʿādh b. Jabal
Ḥafṣa bt. ʿUmar (Female): wife of Muḥammad
Hagar (Female): Wife of Abraham, mother of Ishmael
Haggith (Female): wife of David
Hajar bt. al-Mukaffif (Female): A person
Ḥalīma bt. al-Ḥārith al-Ghassānī (Female): A person
Ḥalīma al-Saʿdiyya (Female): "foster-mother of the Prophet"
Ḥamdūna bt. GhḌYḌ (Female): A person
Ḥamīda bt. ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. ʿAwf (Female): A person
Ḥamīda Umm ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. ʿAbdallāh b. ʿĀmir b. Kurayz (Female): A person
al-Ḥarra al-Ṣulayḥiyya (Female): A person
al-Ḥawʾab bt. Kalb b. Wabara (Female): A person
HBLH bt. Munqidh b. Salmān (Female): A person
Helena (Female): Mother of Constantine
Helena (Female): queen of Adiabene
Helena (Female): daughter of Constantine
Helena (Female): wife of Tiberius II Constantine (also known as Ino, Aelia Anastasia)
Helene (Female): Concubine of al-Rashīd
Helene (Female): Housekeeper of al-Manṣūr
Herodias (Female): A person
Ḥibla bt. Nūḥ (Female): A person
Hind bt. Abī ʿUbayda b. ʿAbdallāh (Female): A person
Hind bt. al-Ḥārith b. ʿAmr b. Ḥajar al-Kindī (Female): A person
Hind bt. Mālik b. Ghāfiq b. al-Shāhid b. ʿAkk (Female): A person

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