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Ben Hadad (Male): King of Damascus (Book of Kings).
Benjamin (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Benjamin (Male): deacon and martyr
Benjamin (Male): patriarch of Alexandria
Beon (Male): king of Egypt
Berenicianus (Male): archimandrite at Mar Ḥananyā
Bernard de Valence (Male): Latin patriarch of Antioch
Bernardino of Siena (Male): A person
Bernardo, Gerolamo (Male): A person
Beronicianus (Male): secretary of the sacred consistory
Beryllus (Male): bishop of Bostra
Beshk‘en (Male): A person
Bēshk‘en (Male): A person
Bessarion (Male): A person
Beyce b. Evrenos (Male): A person
BGhBR b. Kammād b. Yāfith (Male): A person
Bias of Priene (Male): one of the Seven sages
Bihzād (Male): "governor of Multān"
Bihzād b. Yūsuf b. Yaʿqūb al-Najayramī (Male): A person
Bijād (Male): A mawla of ʿUthmān
Bilāl Abū Zurʿa al-Tujībī al-Barnīlī (Male): A person
Bilāl b. Abī Burda b. Abī Mūsā al-Ashʿarī (Male): A person
Bilāl Ibn Ḥamāma (Male): A mawla of Abū Bakr
Bilāl b. al-Ḥārith al-Muzanī (Male): A person
Bilāl b. Jarīr b. al-Khaṭafā (Male): A person
Bilāl b. Muḥriz al-Rammāḥ al-Iyādī (Male): A person
Bilāl b. Ramyār b. Rabāba Abū Bakr al-Ishtīkhanī al-Khaydashtarī (Male): A person
Bilāl b. Yaḥyā b. Bilāl b. al-Ḥārith (Male): A person
Bilal the Abyssinian (Male): A Companion of the Prophet, and the first muezzin
Bildad the Shuhite (Male): A person
Bīl (Male): father of Marduk
Binyāmīn b. Yaʿqūb (Male): A person
al-Bīrwān (Male): A person
Bīshkīn (Male): Lord of Ahr
Bishr b. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Qurashī (Male): A person
Bishr b. Abī Ḥāzim al-Asadī (Male): A person
Bishr b. Aḥmad Abū Sahl al-Asfarāyīnī (Male): A person
Bishr b. ʿAlī al-ʿAmmī al-Anṭākī (Male): A person
Bishr b. ʿAmr b. Marthad (Male): A person
Bishr b. Bashīr al-Aslamī (Male): A person
Bishr b. Ghiyāth al-Marrīsī (Male): A person
Bishr b. Ḥajar (Male): A person
Bishr b. al-Ḥakam al-Nīsābūrī (Male): A person
Bishr b. al-Ḥārith al-Ḥāfī (Male): "Ṣūfī saint, buried at Baghdād"
Bishr b. Hilāl b. ʿUqba (Male): A person
Bishr b. Ilyās Abū Saʿīd al-Rīwdī (Male): A person
Bishr b. ʿImrān al-Bashtānī (Male): A person
Bishr b. Mālik (Male): A person
Bishr b. Maʿrūf b. Bishr al-Aṣbahānī (Male): A person
Bishr b. Marwān b. al-Ḥakam b. Abī l-ʿĀṣī (Male): A person
Bishr b. Masʿūd (Male): A person
Bishr b. Mūsā al-Asadī (Male): A person
Bishr b. al-Qāsim (Male): A person
Bishr b. Rabīʿa (Male): A person
Bishr b. Rāfiʿ Abū l-Asbāṭ al-Najrānī al-Yamānī (Male): A person
Bishr b. Ṣafwān (Male): A person
Bishr b. Sawāda b. Salwa al-Taghlibī (Male): A person
Bishr b. al-Walīd (Male): A person
Bishtāsf al-Malik (Male): A person
Bisṭām b. Qays al-Shaybānī (Male): A person
Bisṭām b. Shurayḥ Abū ʿAdhdhām al-Kalbī (Male): A person
al-Bisṭāmī (Male): "shaykh at Dihlī"
Bistām Jāgīr (Male): A person
Bisṭām al-Shaybānī (Male): rebel at Jazīra
Bīṭārsōs (Male): one of the Disciples
Biṭrīq b. Yazīd al-Kalbī (Male): Syrian, fl. 2nd century AH/8th century CE
Bīwarasb al-Jabbār (Male): A person
Biwrt‘ēl (Male): A person
BLʿāʾ b. Qays b. ʿAbdallāh b. Yaʿmar al-Shuddākh al-Laythī (Male): A person
Blēl (Male): A person
BLQWRS al-Athūrī (Male): An ancient Assyrian king
BʾLQYQ b. Ḥayyawayh (Male): Son of a Turkish king
Bochales, Manuel (Male): A person
Bōdīn (Male): notable of Amorium
Boethius (Male): late antique Roman philosopher
Bogdan (Male): A person
Bohemond I (Male): prince of Antioch
Bohemond I (Male): one of the crusader princes at the siege of Antioch in 1097-1098
Bohemond II (Male): prince of Antioch
Bokkhōris (Male): king of Egypt
Boniface (Male): bishop of Rome
Boniface (Male): legate of Pope Leo I
Boniface (Male): priest
Bostanai the Nasi (Male): First exilarch under Islamic rule; flourished about the middle of the 7th c.
Bousiris (Male): king of Egypt
Branko Mladenović (Male): A person
Bretannio (Male): bishop of the Scythians
Brettios (Male): author
Brīkā (Male): [= Benedictus] Latin bishop of Edessa
Brutus (Male): Roman general
Buccinator (Male): Roman soldier
Budayl b. ʿAbd Manāh Ibn Umm Aṣram al-Khuzāʿī (Male): A person
Budayl b. ʿAlī b. Budayl Abū l-Qāsim al-Barzandī (Male): A person
Budayl b. Quṭayṭ (Male): A person
Budayl b. Warqāʾ al-Khuzāʿī (Male): A person
Buddas (Male): teacher of Mānī
Bughā al-Kabīr al-Turkī (Male): A person
Bughā al-Ṣaghīr al-Sharābī (Male): A person
Bughda (Male): A person
Buḥayr b. al-Faḍl (Male): A person

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