Browse HIMME Person Records

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Peter (Male): monophysite bishop of Jerusalem
Peter (Male): a philosopher, at Rēshʿaynā
Peter (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Peter (Male): consul
Peter (Male): 44th bishop of Alexandria
Peter (Male): patriarch of Antioch
Peter (Male): brother of emperor Maurice
Peter (Male): bishop of Corinth
Peter (Male): Melichate patriarch of Alexandria
Peter (Male): representative of the patriarch of Alexandria at the 6th Ecumenical Council
Peter (Male): scholarius
Peter Mongus (Male): 26th bishop of Alexandria
Peter the Fuller (Male): patriarch of Antioch
Peter the Iberian (Male): A person
Peter the Iberian (Male): also called Nabarnugios
Pethyōn (Male): catholicos of the Church of the East
Petronius (Male): Roman governor of Syria c. 40 CE
Petros Bar Arīkhā (Male): bishop of ʿArqā
Petros (Male): A person
Petros (Male): A person
Petros (Male): A person
Petros (Male): A person
Petros (Male): bishop of Ḥarrān
Petros (Male): deacon at Malatya
Petros (Male): bishop in Egypt
Petros (Male): bishop of Arzōn
Petros (Male): bishop of Aphrah
Petros (Male): bishop of al-Ruṣafa
Petros (Male): bishop of Mārdīn and Kafartūthā
Petros (Male): bishop of Sijistān
Petros (Male): bishop of Qlaudia
Petros (Male): bishop of Arzōn
Petros (Male): bishop of Sarūgh
Petros (Male): bishop of Arabissos
Petros (Male): bishop of Kallinikos
Petros (Male): bishop of Ḥāmām and Bālīnag
Petros (Male): bishop of Nisibis
Petros (Male): bishop of Qlaudia
Petros Khpaeants‘ (Male): A person
Petros Ṣarafī (Male): translator, of Melitene
Petrus (Male): archbishop of Lyon
Phaeton (Male): A person
Phanos (Male): king of Egypt
Pharandos (Male): king of Egypt
Pharaoh (Male): Pharaoh: from the era of King Solomon (1 Kings 7:8)
Pharaoh (Male): The pharaoh who killed King Josiah of Judah
Pharaoh (Male): The ruler of Egypt in Genesis 40-50, in the time of the biblical patriarchs Jacob and Joseph
Pharoah (Male): son of Sanos
Phasael (Male): son of Herod
Phemion (Male): A person
Pherecles (Male): Athenian judge
Pheroas (Male): brother of Herod the Great
Phidias (Male): sculptor
Philaretos (Male): Armenian general
Philaretos (Male): governor of Karshennā
Phileas (Male): bishop in Egypt
Philip (Male): Philip the Evangelist, mentioned in Acts 8
Philip (Male): emperor
Philip (Male): one of the Disciples
Philip (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Philip (Male): bishop of Gortyna
Philip (Male): bishop of Antioch
Philip (Male): Athenian prince
Philip (Male): priest (of Side), historian
Philip (Male): priest, papal legate
Philip (Male): deacon of Constantinople
Philip I (Male): king of the Macedonians
Philip I (Male): count of Flanders
Philip II (Male): father of Alexander the Great
Philip III Arrhidaeus (Male): A person
Philip II Philoromaeus (Male): Seleucid king
Philip of Macedonia (Male): A person
Philippicus (Male): general of Maurice
Philippicus (Male): emperor
Philip the tetrarch (Male): son of Herod
Philip V (Male): king of Macedonia
Philistus (Male): historian
Philochorus (Male): historian
Philologus (Male): bishop of Ephesos
Philo of Alexandria (Male): A person
Philotheos (Male): bishop of Aphrah
Philoxenos Bar Ṣawmā (Male): bishop of Rūmānah
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Mabbug, also named Ksenayas (Xenaias)
Philoxenos (Male): nephew of Xenaias, bishop in Cyprus
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Edessa
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Doliche
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Nisibis
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Gurgān
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of al-Ruṣafa
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Ḥarrān
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Edessa
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Dārā
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Manbij and Gishrā
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Tellā Qasṭrā
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Sīmandū
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Ḥāmām, Kālīnag, and Sānūdanū
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Arsamosata
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Sijistān
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Ḥiṣn Manṣūr

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