Browse HIMME Person Records

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Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Marʿash
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Manbij
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Kālīnag
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Karshenā
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Kafar Ṭāb
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Marʿash
Philoxenos (Male): bishop of Manbij
Philoxenos Methuselah (Male): bishop of Manbij
Philtatos (Male): monk
Phinehas (Male): Jewish high priest
Phlegon (Male): historian
Phoedimus (Male): bishop of Amaseia
Phoenix (Male): son of Agenor, brother of Cadmus
Phokas (Male): pagan of Constantinople
Phokas (Male): monk
Phokas (Male): emperor
Phorbas (Male): Judge of Athens
Phosanos (Male): king of Egypt
Photeinos (Male): bishop of Sirmium
Photeinos (Male): priest of Antioch, heretic
Photeinos (Male): bishop of Arsinoē
Photios (Male): son-in-law of Belisarius
Photios (Male): bishop of Tyre
Phraortes (Male): king of the Medes
Phrynon (Male): an Athenian
Pindar (Male): poet
Pinytus (Male): bishop in Crete
Pior (Male): monk of the Thebaid
Pior (Male): monophysite monk
Pīr ‘Alī (Male): A person
Pīr Beg (Male): A person
Pīr Beg (Male): A person
Pīr Budaq b. Jihānshāh (Male): A person
Pīr Ghāʾib (Male): A person
Pīr Ḥusayn b. Sahat‘ (Male): A person
Pīr Shapur (Male): king of Persia who sent the biblical Magi
Pīr ‘Umar (Male): A person
Pisistratus (Male): Athenian
Pittacus of Mytilene (Male): one of the Seven Sages
Pius (Male): bishop of Rome
Pjeter Bua (Male): A person
Placidus (Male): martyr
Plato (Male): comic
Plato (Male): Greek philosopher
Plato (Male): chronicler
Pliny the Younger (Male): A person
Plotinus (Male): bishop of Samosata
Plotinus (Male): monk at Bar Ṣawmā
Plutarch (Male): Greek biographer
Plutarch (Male): bishop of Byzantium
Plutarch (Male): martyr
Poghosak (Male): an Armenian lord of Sībaberk who converted to Islam in response to the first Turkish invasion
Pōghos II Gaṛnets‘i (Male): A person
Pōghos, Mahdasi (Male): A person
Polemon (Male): philosopher
Polemon (Male): rhetor
Polybus (Male): king of Egypt
Polycarp (Male): philosopher
Polycarp (Male): bishop of Smyrna
Polycarp (Male): bishop of Ephesos
Polycarp (Male): bishop of Byzantium
Polycarp (Male): bishop of Nikopolis in Thrace
Polycarp (Male): monk
Polycarp (Male): monophysite bishop in Egypt
Polyphiles (Male): king of Sicyon
Pompey (Male): Roman general
Pons (Male): count of Tripoli
Pontian (Male): bishop of Rome
Pontius Pilate (Male): ancient Roman governor of Judea
Pope Alexander III (Male): born Roland of Siena.
Pope Callistus III (Male): A person
Pope Eugenius IV (Male): A person
Pope Felix V (Male): A person
Pope Gregory X (Male): thirteenth century Pope
Pope Nicolaus V (Male): A person
Pope Pius II (Male): A person
Poplius (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Poplius (Male): bishop of Corinth
Porphyry (Male): philosopher
Porphyry (Male): bishop of Antioch
Poseidippus (Male): an ancient Greek who died by being attacked at night by dogs
Poseidon (Male): father of Bousiris
Posidius (Male): early bishop of Ephesos, after Apollonius and before Onesimus II
Potamon (Male): monk of Skete
Pothinus (Male): bishop of Lyon
Potiphar (Male): A person
Praulius (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Praxōnidēs (Male): father of Iphitos
Preljub, Grgur (Male): A person
Preljubović,Tomo (Male): A person
Prester John (Male): A person
Priam (Male): king of Troy, son of Laomedon
Primus (Male): bishop of Alexandria
Prince Boemond Poitevin le Baube (Male): i.e. Bohemond III, Prince of Antioch.
Priscus (Male): Byzantine general
Prismus (Male): one of the Disciples
Probatius (Male): one of the Seven Sleepers
Probus (Male): Roman emperor
Probus (Male): bishop of Byzantium
Probus (Male): sophist of Antioch, bishop of Chalcedon

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