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Qays b. al-Ṣarrāʿ al-ʿIjlī (Male): A person
Qays b. Sibāʿ al-Bakrī (Male): A person
Qays b. ʿUbbād (Male): A person
Qays b. ʿUqba (Male): A person
Qays b. Zuhayr al-ʿAbsī (Male): A person
Qays al-Thāwī (Male): A person
Qīrān Malik (Male): "Saffadār"
al-Qirimī (Male): a qāḍī in Tripoli
Qirwāsh b. Ḥawṭ (Male): A person
Qirwāsh b. al-Muqallad Abū l-Manīʿ Muʿtamid al-Dawla (Male): A person
Qiwām al-Dīn al-Bushrī (Male): "of Ceuta"
Qiwām al-Dīn b. Makīn (Male): "at Aṭrābulus"
Qiwām al-Dīn, Ibn Ṭāʾūs (Male): "former Naqīb al-Ashrāf at al-Najaf"
Qiwām al-Dīn, Khudhāwand-zāda (Male): "Qādi of Tirmidh"
Qiwām al-Dīn al-Kirmānī (Male): "at Cairo"
Qiwām al-Dīn al-Ṭamghājī (Male): "revenue intendant of Shīrāz"
Qōzmā (Male): monk of Qenneshrē
Qōzmā (Male): monk
Qōzmā (Male): patriarch of Antioch
Qōzmā (Male): bishop of Ḥadeth
Qōzmā (Male): bishop of al-Ruṣafa
Qrīsīs (Male): one of the Disciples (perhaps the same as Crescens?)
QRMʾN (Male): Lord of Rashīd (Rosetta) at the time of the Islamic conquest
Quadratus (Male): bishop of Corinth
Qubādh b. Dārā (Male): A person
Qudāma b. ʿAbdallāh b. Mihjān (Male): A person
Qudāma b. Maẓʿūn al-Jumaḥī (Male): A person
Qudayd (Male): A person
al-Quḥayf b. Ḥimyar al-ʿUqaylī (Male): A person
Quintillus (Male): priest from Thessalonike
Qulaj (Male): "sultan’s deputy at Qāliqūṭ"
al-Qulākh b. Janāb b. Jallāʾ (Male): A person
Qulayb (Male): Atābak of the Ayyubid ruler al-Malik al-Masʿūd
Quljund (Male): "(i.e. Gul Chand), amīr"
Qūmābarōs (Male): alleged Assyrian author
Qūmas b. Niqnās (Male): King of Egypt, perhaps Kamose
Qunbul Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makkī (Male): A person
Qūrā (Male): bishop of Edessa
Qūrā (Male): of Baṭnā, chronicler
Qūrā (Male): governor of Edessa
Quraysh b. Badrān b. al-Muqallad (Male): A person
Quraysh b. al-Ḥārith b. Yakhlid b. al-Naḍr b. Kināna (Male): A person
Quraysh b. Ḥayyān Abū Bakr al-ʿIjlī al-ʿUmānī (Male): A person
Quraysh b. Muḥammad Abū ʿUthmān al-Dubzanī (Male): A person
Quraẓa b. Kaʿb al-Anṣārī (Male): A person
al-Qurbānī (Male): A person
Qūrīllōs (Male): monophysite bishop of Jerusalem
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Cyrrhus
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Arsamosata
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Edessa
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Mayperqāṭ
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Anazarbos
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Tarsus
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Armenia
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Ḥāmām
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Ḥimṣ
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Kafar Ṭāb
Qūrīllōs (Male): bishop of Sarūgh
Qūrīllōs Nūḥ (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Qurra b. Hubayra (Male): A person
Qurra b. Qays b. ʿĀṣim (Male): A person
Qurra b. Sharīk al-ʿAbsī (Male): amīr of Syria
Qurṭay (Male): "Great Amīr at al-Khansā in China"
al-Qurṭubī (Male): "Aḥmad b. ‘Omar al-Anṣārī, a Mālikite scholar"
Qūryāqā (Male): bishop of Hanzīṭ
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Sigistan, then of Ḥisn-Kayf and of Ṭūr ʿAbdīn
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Takrit
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Jayḥān
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Qarmānāyē
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Kallinikos
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Anazarbos
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Edessa
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Baʿlabakk
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Bithynia
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Cyrrhus
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Sarūgh
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Zibaṭra
Qūryāqōs (Male): patriarch of Antioch
Qūryāqōs (Male): bishop of Mosul (Mar Matay)
Qūryās of Segūlān (Male): A person
Quṣayr (Male): A person
Quṣayy b. Kilāb b. Murra (Male): A person
Quss b. Sāʿida al-Iyādī (Male): A person
Qusyān al-Malik (Male): A legendary king in Antioch whose son was allegedly raised from the dead by the apostle Peter
al-Quṭāmī (Male): ʿUmayr b. Shuyaym
Qutayba b. Mihrān Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Āzādhānī al-Aṣbahānī (Male): A person
Qutayba b. Muslim al-Bāhilī (Male): A person
Qutayba b. Saʿīd b. Jamīl Abū Rajāʾ al-Thaqafī al-Baghlānī (Male): A person
Quṭba b. ʿĀmir b. Ḥadīda (Male): A person
Quṭba b. Qatāda (Male): A person
Quṭba b. Sayyār al-Yarbūʿī (Male): A person
Quṭb al-Dīn Aybak (Male): "sipāh sālār, later sultan of Delhi"
Quṭb al-Dīn Ḥaydar al-ʿAlawī (Male): "sharīf, of Ūjā"
Quṭb al-Dīn Ḥaydar (Male): "of Farghāna"
Quṭb al-Dīn Ḥaydar of Zāwa (Male): "shaykh,"
Quṭb al-Dīn (Male): "son of ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Udaijī"
Quṭb al-Dīn Ḥusayn (Male): "shaykh at Iṣfahān"
Quṭb al-Dīn Īlghāzī b. Najm al-Dīn (Male): lord of Mārdīn
Quṭb al-Dīn Mawdūd b. Zangī (Male): lord of Mosul

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