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Quṭb al-Dīn Mubārak Khān (Male): "son of Muḥammad Shāh Khaljī"
Quṭb al-Dīn of Naqshuwān (Male): "ascetic, at Dimyāṭ"
Quṭb al-Dīn Qaymāz (Male): rebel against Caliph al-Mustaḍīʾ
Quṭb al-Dīn Sökmen II b. Nūr al-Dīn (Male): lord of Āmid (r. 1185-1200)
Quṭb al-Dīn Sulaymān b. Qarā Arslān (Male): A person
Quṭb al-Dīn Tamahtan (Male): "(Tahamtan, ‘Tamtahan’) b. Tūrānshāh, sultan of Hurmuz"
Quṭb al-Mulk (Male): "governor at Multān"
Quṭb al-Mulk (Male): "malik at Dihlī"
Qutham b. al-ʿAbbās b. ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib (Male): A person
Qutham b. Jaʿfar (Male): A person
Qutlu Beg (Male): A person
Quṭlūdumūr (Male): "amīr of Khwārizm"
Quṭlūdumūr (Male): "son of Tuluktumūr, amīr of al-Qiram"
Quṭlū Khān (Male): "son of Shams al-Dīn Fīrūz, Sulṭan of Bengal"
Quṭlūkhān (Male): "(Quṭlū Khān), Chief of the Amīrs, tutor of the sultan of India"
Qūṭrīgā (Male): defender of Āmid
Quṭrub (Male): Muḥammad b. al-Mustanīr
Qvarqvaré II Jaqeli (Male): A person
Raamah (Male): son of Kush
Rab Ada (Male): a rabbi of the Talmud who lived in Babylonia (4th c.).
Rabāḥ b. al-Walīd al-Dhimārī (Male): A person
Rabbah (Male): A jewish sage who lived in Babylonia.
Rabban Benjamin (Male): bishop of Edessa
Rabban Gamaliel (Male): Leading authority in the Sanhedrin (early 1st c.).
Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel (Male): an ancient Jewish leader (known as Rashbag).
Rabbenu Hakkadosh (Male): i.e. Judah ha-Nasi: chief redactor and editor of the Mishnah
Rabbenu Meshullam (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Lunel. Described as "the great rabbi."
Rabbi Aaron Bechor Shoro (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Constantinople
Rabbi Aaron (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Askelon.
Rabbi Aaron, son of Rabbenu Meshullam (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Lunel. One of the 5 sons of Meshullam.
Rabbi Abba Mari (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Arles.
Rabbi Abba Mari, son of Rabbi Isaac (Male): A bailiff of Count Raymond at Bourg de St. Gilles (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Abijah (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Rhaedestus.
Rabbi Abraham Abu Tahir (Male): Head of the Ninth Academy in Baghdad (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Abraham el Constantini (Male): A Jerusalemite who belonged to the Mourners of Zion, i.e. a Karaite Jew (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Abraham (Male): An astronomer who lived in Tiberias (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Abraham (Male): Head of the Academy at Narbonne (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Abraham (Male): Head of the Academy at Posquieres (second half of the 12th c.)
Rabbi Abraham (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Benevento.
Rabbi Abraham (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Lepanto.
Rabbi Abraham (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Posquieres.
Rabbi Abraham (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Tyre.
Rabbi Abraham Narboni (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Salerno.
Rabbi Abraham, son of Chisdai (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Barcelona.
Rabbi Abraham, son of Judah (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in San Gilles.
Rabbi Abraham, son of Rabbi Meir (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Marseilles.
Rabbi Abtalion (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Constantinople.
Rabbi Achimaaz (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Melfi.
Rabbi Akiba (Male): A Jewish sage (1st-2nd c.)
Rabbi Alib (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Demetrizi.
Rabbi Asher (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Lunel. One of the 5 sons of Meshullam. Described as a recluse and a great scholar of the Talmud.
Rabbi Azariah (Male): Head of the Academy of the Land of Israel (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Damascus. Brother of Sar Shalom, head of the Beth Din.
Rabbi Benjamin ben Japheth (Male): A rabbi whose grave is in Medon/Meron, Palestine.
Rabbi Benjamin (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Posquieres.
Rabbi Benjamin, son of Rabbi Shabbethai (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Rome.
Rabbi Benjamin, the son of Jonah (Male): i.e. Benjamin of Tudela, a Spanish traveler.
Rabbi Benveniste (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Posquieres.
Rabbi Caleb (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Egripo.
Rabbi Caleb (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Otranto.
Rabbi Chanan (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Okbara.
Rabbi Chanan (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Teima. The brother of Salmon the Nasi.
Rabbi Chayim (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Antioch.
Rabbi Chayim (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Crissa.
Rabbi Chayim (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Ladikiya.
Rabbi Chayim (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Pisa.
Rabbi Chen (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in El-Anbar.
Rabbi Chisdai (Male): Head of the Fifth Academy in Baghdad (second half of the 12th c.). Honorific: "Glory of the scholars."
Rabbi Chisdai (Male): Exilarch of Baghdad (12th c.).
Rabbi Chiya (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Geziret Ibn Omar.
Rabbi Chiya (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Kalat Jabar.
Rabbi Chiya (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Thebes.
Rabbi Chiya (Male): A sage of the Land of Israel, originally from Babylonia (3rd c.).
Rabbi Conso (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Capua.
Rabbi Consoli (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Ascoli.
Rabbi Daniel (Male): the chief rabbi of Rome (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Daniel (Male): Head of the Third Academy in Baghdad (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Daniel, the son of Hisdai (Male): The Exilarch of Baghdad (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi David (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Lucca.
Rabbi David (Male): A rabbi of the Talmud who lived in Babylonia.
Rabbi David (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Capua.
Rabbi Dosa (Male): A Jewish sage (2nd c.).
Rabbi Elazar (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Rabonica.
Rabbi Elazar (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in San Gilles.
Rabbi Elazar (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Jabustrisa.
Rabbi Elazar (Male): Head of the Fourth Academy in Baghdad (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Elazar, son of Zemach (Male): Head of the order in Baghdad (second half of the 12th c.); a descendant of prophet Samuel.
Rabbi Eleazar ben Arak (Male): i.e. Eleazar ben Arach, a Jewish sage (1st c.).
Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah (Male): A Jewish sage (1st c.).
Rabbi Elhanan (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Karkisiya.
Rabbi Eliakim (Male): A warden (Heb. parnas) in Pera (second half of the 12th c.).
Rabbi Eli Hacohen (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Hamah.
Rabbi Elijah Hacohen (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Naples.
Rabbi Elijah Heman (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Chios.
Rabbi Elijah (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Trani.
Rabbi Elijah (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Salonica.
Rabbi Elijah (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Rhodes.
Rabbi Elijah (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Salerno. Described as the "Greek."
Rabbi Elijah Kapur (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Galipoli.
Rabbi Elijah Psalteri (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Egripo.
Rabbi Elijah Tirutut (Male): A contemporary of Benjamin of Tudela (second half of the 12th c.); resided in Thebes.

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