Browse HIMME Person Records

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Anastasios (Male): governor of Edessa
Anastasios (Male): monk at Edessa
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Aleppo
Anastasios (Male): archimandrite of Bārīd monastery
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Damascus
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Tella
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Rīsh Kēfā
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Anazarbos
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Rēshʿaynā
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Tarsus
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Abadqawān
Anastasios (Male): bishop of Aleppo
Anastasios I (Male): emperor
Anastasios II (Male): emperor
Anatolios (Male): bishop of Laodicea
Anatolios (Male): vice-prefect of Edessa
Anatolios (Male): bishop of Constantinople
Anaxagoras (Male): philosopher
al-ʿAnbar b. ʿAmr b. Tamīm (Male): A person
ʿAnbasa (Male): A person
ʿAnbasa b. Isḥāq b. Shamir al-Ḍabbī al-Harawī (Male): A person
Ancus Marcius (Male): king of the Romans
Andragathios (Male): general
Andragathios (Male): philosopher
Andrēas (Male): A person
Andreas (Male): Egyptian archimandrite
Andreas (Male): cubicularios
Andreas (Male): bishop of Samosata
Andreas (Male): bishop of Ephesus
Andreas (Male): recluse
Andreas (Male): monophysite priest, at Constantinople
Andreas (Male): son of Troilos
Andreas (Male): deacon, at Constantinople
Andreas (Male): Maronite priest
Andreas (Male): bishop of Sijistān
Andreas (Male): bishop of Cyrrhus
Andreas (Male): bishop of Kayshūm
Andrew (Male): disciple of Peter the Iberian
Andrew II of Hungary (Male): A person
Androgeōs (Male): son of Minōs
Andromakhos (Male): Jewish chief priest
Andronicus (Male): one of the Disciples
Andronikos (Male): chronicler
Andronikos (Male): bishop of Alexandria
Andronikos (Male): prefect of Tarsus
Andronikos Vatatzes (Male): Greek commander who died besieging Neocaesarea, nephew of Manuel I
Andropompos (Male): king of the Athenians
Angelo Visconti (Male): Reputed founder of the Visconti dynasty in Milan
Anianos (Male): bishop of Alexandria
Anianos (Male): Christian of Alexandria
Anicetus (Male): bishop of Rome
Anīs b. Maʿdīkarib al-ʿĀdī (Male): A person
Annas (Male): Jewish High Priest, father-in-law of Caiaphas
Annianos (Male): Jewish high priest
Annianos (Male): chronicler
Ānōsh (Male): catholicos of the Church of the East
al-Anṣārī al-Gharnāṭī (Male): A person
ʿAntara al-ʿAbsī (Male): A person
ʿAntara al-Akhras (Male): A person
Anterus (Male): bishop of Rome
Anthemius (Male): Caesar
Anthimos (Male): bishop of Constantinople
Anthimos (Male): bishop of Baʿlabakk
Anthimos (Male): bishop of Doliche
Anthimos (Male): bishop of Rīsh Kēfā
Antigonos II Gonatas (Male): king of Macedonia
Antigonus I Monophthalmus (Male): A person
Antinous (Male): lover of Hadrian
Antiochus (Male): Antiochus (father of Seleucus I Nicator), believed by Benjamin to be the founder of Antioch, instead of his son.
Antiochus IX Cyzicenus (Male): A person
Antiokhios (Male): archimandrite in Arabia
Antiokhos (Male): preceptor of Theodōsios
Antiokhos (Male): bishop of ʿAkkō
Antiokhos III the Great (Male): king of Syria
Antiokhos II Theos (Male): A person
Antiokhos I Sōtēr (Male): A person
Antiokhos IV Epiphanios (Male): A person
Antiokhos V Eupatōr (Male): A person
Antiokhos VI (Male): son of Alexander Balas
Antiokhos VIII Grypos (Male): A person
Antiokhos VII Sidētēs (Male): A person
Antipater (Male): father of Herod the Great
Antipater (Male): tetrarch, son of Herod
Antipater Sōsthenēs (Male): king of Macedonia
Anton (Male): A person
Anṭōn (Male): monk of Nathpo
Antoninus (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Antoninus (Male): bishop of Aleppo
Antoninus Pius (Male): emperor
Antoninus Verus (Male): emperor
Antonius Felix (Male): Roman procurator who tried Paul; recounted in Acts 24
Antonius (Male): monk, at Neocaesarea
Antos (Male): ancient king of Thrace, brother of Byzas
Anūdūzbar (Male): pagan priest
Anūshirwān b. Khālid al-Wazīr (Male): A person
Anzūg (Male): king of the Kushites
Apellēs (Male): painter
Aphantos (Male): king of Egypt
Aphrahat (Male): the Persian Sage
Aphrahat (Male): monk of Syria

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