Browse HIMME Person Records

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Aristobulos (Male): king of the Jews, son of Jonathan
Aristobulos (Male): Jewish philosopher
Aristobulos (Male): son of Alexander Yannai
Aristobulos (Male): son of Hyrcanus, chief priest
Aristobulos (Male): son of Herod
Aristobulos (Male): one of the Disciples
Aristocholos (Male): A person
Aristogeitōn (Male): Athenian tyrannicide
Aristophanēs (Male): poet
Aristotle (Male): Greek philosopher
Aristoxenos (Male): musician
Arius (Male): heretic
Arīveh (Male): one of the Magi
Arkhilokhos (Male): chronicler
Arkhilokhos (Male): musician
Arkite (Male): son of Canaan
Arktinos of Milētos (Male): poet
Armāʾīl al-Nabaṭī (Male): A person
Armaios [Danaos] (Male): king of the Egyptians, then of the Argives
Armatus (Male): general of Zeno
Armenakos (Male): A person
Armeniakos (Male): A person
Armios (Male): king of the Egyptians
Armōnios (Male): Canaanite
Arpa Khān (Male): A person
Arphakid (Male): king of Babylon
Arphaxad (Male): son of Shem
Arphazad (Male): king of the Babylonians
ʿArqala b. Jābir b. Numayr al-Dimashqī (Ḥassān) (Male): A person
ʿArqal b. al-Ḥaṭīm al-ʿUklī (Male): A person
al-Arqam b. Abī l-Arqam (Male): A person
Arqam b. ʿUbayd b. Thaʿlaba (Male): A person
al-Arqam al-ʿImlīqī (Male): A person
ʿArrām b. al-Aṣbagh al-Sulamī (Male): A person
Arrian of Nikomedia (Male): philosopher
Arsaces I (Male): king of the Parthians
Arsakes (Male): A person
Arsakios (Male): bishop of Constantinople
Arsakos (Male): king of the Egyptians
Arsames (Male): a Persian, father of Darius III
Arsamos (Male): one of the Seventy
Arsenios (Male): bishop of the Meletians
Arsenios (Male): monk of Egypt
Arses (Male): king of the Persians
Arshak (Male): one of the Magi
Arslān al-Basāsīrī (Male): Turkish general
Arslān b. Yaʿqūb b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Jaʿbarī (Male): disciple of Aḥmad al-Rifāʿī, known as "the Grey Falcon"
Arslān Shāh b. Ṭughril al-Saljūqī (Male): Great-grandson of Malikshah
Arslān Shāh Nūr al-Dīn b. Masʿūd b. Mawdūd b. Zankī (Male): of Mosul
Artaban (Male): father of Dahdūndar
Artabanus V b. Vologases V (Male): A person
Artabasdos (Male): brother-in-law of Constantine Kopronymos
Arṭāh b. al-Mundhir Abū ʿAlī (Male): Al-Alhānī al-Sakūnī
Arṭāh b. Suhayya al-Murrī (Male): A person
Arṭaḥshīsht (Male): one of the Magi
Artaxerxes (Male): i.e. King Artaxerxes I of Persia.
Artaxerxes II (Male): A person
Artaxerxes III Ochus (Male): A person
Artemios (Male): governor general of Egypt
Artemon (Male): heretic
Artemonios (Male): author
Arud (Male): Canaanite chronicler
Arun-Bughā (Male): "notable of Bukhārā"
Arwadite (Male): son of Canaan
Aryāṭ al-Ḥabashī (Male): A person
Asad ad-Dīn (Male): lord of Aghel
Asʿad al-Bāriʿ al-Zawzanī (Male): A person
Asad al-Dīn Kaykhusrū the Persian (Male): "in Maʿbar"
Asad al-Dīn Shīrkūh (Male): A person
Asad al-Dīn Zarrīn Chang (Male): A person
Asad b. ʿAbdallāh al-Qasrī (Male): A person
Asad b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ilbīrī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Abī Naṣr Abū l-Fatḥ al-Mayhanī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Abī Yuʿfir (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Aḥmad b. Ḥayyān al-Nasawī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Aḥmad b. Yūsuf Abū l-Ghanāʾim al-Bāmanjī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. ʿAlī al-Naḥwī al-Jawwānī (Male): A person
Asad b. Dhī al-Sarw al-Ḥimyarī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Faḍl Allāh b. Abī l-Khayr Abū Saʿīd al-Mayhanī (Male): A person
Asad b. al-Furāt (Male): A person
Asad b. Ḥamdawayh b. Saʿīd Abū l-Ḥārith al-Warthīnī al-Nasafī (Male): A person
Asad b. al-Ḥārith (Male): A person
Asad b. Hāshim b. ʿAbd Manāf (Male): A person
Asʿad b. al-Ḥusayn b. al-Khaṭīb (Male): A person
Asad b. al-Jāḥil (Male): A person
Asad b. Kurz (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Maḥmūd b. Khalaf Abū l-Futūḥ al-ʿIjlī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Masʿūd al-ʿUtbī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Muḥammad Abū l-Ḥasan al-Lādhiqī (Male): A person
Asad b. Muḥammad b. Yaḥyā Abū l-Ḥārith al-Khuwajjānī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. al-Mundhir b. al-Nuʿmān (Male): A person
Asad b. Mūsā (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Naṣr b. al-Asʿad al-ʿAbartī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Sālim al-Yamanī (Male): A person
Asad b. Sulaymān b. Ḥabīb al-Ṭihrānī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Yaḥyā b. Mūsā al-Bahāʾ al-Sinjārī (Male): A person
Asʿad b. al-Ẓahīr Abū Saʿd (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Zurʿa (Male): A person
Asʿad b. Zurāra Abū Imāma (Male): "citizen of al-Madīna"
al-Asadī (Shaqīq b. Sulayk) (Male): Early report transmitter, apparently fought at Ṣiffīn

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