Browse HIMME Person Records

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Jonah (Male): Biblical prophet
Jonah (Male): monophysite bishop of Edessa
Jonas (Male): one of the Disciples
Jonathan Apphus (Male): one of the Maccabean brothers
Jonathan (Male): Son of King Saul (biblical).
Jonathan (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Judah
Jonathan (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Asher
Jonathan (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Joseph
Jonathan (Male): son of Hyrcanus
Joram (Male): son of Ahab, king of Israel
Joram (Male): son of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah
Joram (Male): son of Ahab, king of Israel
Josabeth (Female): daughter of Joram, king of Judah
Joscelin I (Male): of Courtenay, count of Edessa
Joscelin II (Male): count of Edessa
Joscelin III (Male): count of Edessa
Joseph Barsabas (Male): A person
Joseph (Male): Biblical patriarch, son of Jacob
Joseph (Male): Jewish general
Joseph (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Reuben
Joseph (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Levi
Joseph (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Zebulon
Joseph (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Joseph
Joseph (Male): brother of Herod
Joseph (Male): senator, one of the Disciples
Joseph (Male): one of the Disciples
Joseph (Male): one of the Disciples
Joseph (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Joseph Sinai (Male): A Babylonian sage (3rd c.).
Joshua (Male): son of Ḥananyā, a Jew
Joshua (Male): Jewish high priest, son of Jehozadak
Joshua (Male): son of Jehozadak, chief priest
Joshua b. Nun (Male): successor of Moses
Josiah (Male): King of Judah (biblical).
Jotham (Male): king of Judah
Jovian (Male): emperor
Jovinus (Male): bishop of Perrhe
Juʿal b. Masʿūd b. Bakr b. Wāʾil (Male): A person
Juan II of Aragon (Male): A person
Juan II of Castile (Male): A person
al-Jubāʾī (Male): A person
Jubal (Male): son of Cain
Jubayr b. al-Ḥasan al-Yamāmī (Male): A person
Jubayr b. Ḥayya (Male): A person
Jubayr b. al-Ḥuwayrith (Male): A person
Jubayr b. Mutʿim b. ʿAdī b. Nawfal (Male): A person
Jubayr b. Nufayr (Male): A person
Jubayr al-Muʾtafikī (Male): A person
Judah (Group): One of the Tribes of Israel.
Judah b. Jacob (Male): A person
Jūdarz al-Wazīr (Male): A person
Judas brother of Stephen (Male): A person
Judas (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Simeon
Judas (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Zebulon
Judas (Male): one of the Seventy, of the tribe of Joseph
Judas (Male): one of the Disciples
Judas (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Judas (Male): Jewish doctor
Judas (Male): a Jew of Jerusalem
Judas Iscariot (Male): A person
Judas Maccabeus (Male): A person
Judas of Damascus (Male): a person mentioned in Acts 9:11 as the host of Saul
Judayy b. al-Dilhāth b. ʿIshm b. Ḥulwān al-Quḍāʿī (Male): A person
Judda b. Ḥazm b. Rabbān b. Ḥulwān (Male): A person
Judeans (Group): sect
Jude (Male): apostle
Jude (Male): brother of Jesus
judges of Israel (Group): A group
Judhām (Group): tribe
Judith (Female): central figure in the Book of Judith
Jufayna al-ʿIbādī (Male): A person
Jugurtha (Male): king of Numidia
Juhar (Female): A person
al-Juhaymī (Male): A person
Juhayna (Group): tribe
Juhayna (Group): "Arab tribe of the Sudan "
Juki (Male): A person
Julia Avita Mamaea (Female): mother of emperor Alexander Severus
Julian (Male): bishop of Alexandria
Julian (Male): count of the Orient
Julianists (Group): sect
Julian of Halicarnassus (Male): A person
Julian Sābā (Male): monk
Julian the Apostate (Male): A person
Julianus (Male): bishop of Antioch
Julianus (Male): priest of Alexandria
Julianus (Male): priest of Alexandria
Julianus (Male): bishop of Cos
Julianus (Male): bishop, synkellos of Jacob Baradeus
Julianus (Male): bishop of Tella
Julianus I (Male): patriarch of Antioch
Julianus II Rūmāyā (Male): patriarch of Antioch
Julius Africanus (Male): chronicler
Julius Caesar (Male): A Roman dictator, politician, and military general.
Julius (Male): 20th bishop of Jerusalem, according to Michael the Syrian
Julius (Male): 24th bishop of Jerusalem, according to Michael the Syrian
Julius (Male): bishop of Rome
Julius (Male): bishop of Aegae
Julius (Male): monk of Cyprus
Julius (Male): bishop of Mayperqāṭ

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