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Temirek-Arslan (Male): lord of Sinjār
temple servants (Group): mentioned in 1 Chronicles 9:2
Ten Companions (Group): Those to whom Muhammad promised Paradise
Ten Martyrs (Group): Buried in Rome. Their identity is not entirely clear.
Teodora (Female): Jewish convert to Christianity
T‘ēodoros II Kilikets‘i (Male): A person
Teōs (Male): king of Egypt
Terah (Male): father of Abraham
Terentius (Male): Christian soldier
Terpander (Male): muscian
Tērtēr Erewants‘i (Male): A person
Tertullian (Male): A person
Tertullus (Male): lawyer who raised charges against Paul the Apostle
Teutaios (Male): king of Assyria
Teutamos Tautanēs (Male): king of Assyria
Teutonic Order (Group): A group
Tghay Basil (Male): lord of Kayshūm
al-Thaʿālibī al-Thaqafī Abū ʿAlī (Male): A person
Thābit b. ʿAbdallāh b. al-Zubayr b. al-ʿAwwām (Male): A person
Thābit b. Abī Thābit al-Lughawī (Male): A person
Thābit b. ʿAjlān (Male): A person
Thābit b. Aslam al-Baṣrī al-Bunānī (Male): A person
Thābit b. Bundār (Male): A person
Thābit b. Ḥazm b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-ʿAwfī al-Saraqusṭī (Male): A person
Thābit b. Manṣūr Abū l-ʿIzz al-Jīlī (Male): A person
Thābit b. Muḥammad Abū l-Ḥasan al-Lablī (Male): A person
Thābit b. Muḥammad al-Zāhid (Male): A person
Thābit b. Naṣr (Male): governor of Cilicia
Thābit b. Qāsim b. Thābit al-Saraqusṭī (Male): A person
Thābit b. Saʿīd al-Māribī (Male): A person
Thābit b. Yaḥyā Abū ʿAbbād (Male): A person
Thābit al-Sadūsī (Male): A person
Thaddaeus (Male): one of the Disciples
Thaʿlaba b. ʿĀmir b. ʿAwf b. Bakr al-Fātik (Male): A person
Thaʿlaba b. ʿAmr al-ʿAbqasī (Male): A person
Thaʿlaba b. ʿAmr Muzayqiyāʾ (Male): A person
Thaʿlaba b. Ghaylān al-Iyādī (Male): A person
Thaʿlab (Male): A person
Thalassius (Male): bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Thales of Miletus (Male): philosopher
Thallus (Male): monophysite of Constantinople
Thamasion (Male): monophysite priest
al-Thāmir (Male): A person
Thāmir b. Saʿīd al-Kūfī (Male): A person
Thaqīf (Group): tribe
Thawāb b. Yazīd b. Shawdhab al-Mawṣilī (Male): A person
Thawbān (Male): Ibn Bujdud, mawlā of Muḥammad
Thawr b. ʿAzra al-Qushayrī (Male): A person
Thawr b. Yazīd al-Kalāʿī (Male): A person
Theaetetus (Male): mathematician
Thebans (Group): A group
Thecla (Female): Byzantine empress, wife of Michael II
the Kurds' (Group): a faction at al-Ḥilla
Themistius (Male): philosopher
Theocritus (Male): imperial officer
Theodora (Female): wife of Constantius Chlorus
Theodora (Female): empress, wife of Justinian
Theodora (Female): wife of Emperor Theophilus
Theodora (Female): empress, daughter of Constantine VIII
Theodore Abū Qurra (Male): bishop of Ḥarrān
Theodore (Male): one of the Disciples
Theodore (Male): Athenian sophist
Theodore (Male): general of Zeno
Theodore (Male): bishop of Antinoē
Theodore (Male): bishop of Olbia
Theodore (Male): bishop of Arabia
Theodore (Male): bishop of Philae
Theodore (Male): secretary of Anatolios, prefect of Edessa
Theodore (Male): brother of Heraclius
Theodore (Male): bishop of Claudiopolis
Theodore (Male): papal legate
Theodore (Male): patriarch of Antioch
Theodore (Male): bishop of Germanicia (Marʿash)
Theodore (Male): Armenian bishop of Ostan
Theodore (Male): Armenian bishop of Aršamunik'
Theodore (Male): bishop of Samosata
Theodore (Male): bishop in the Thebaid
Theodore of Colonia (Male): count or Colonia
Theodore of Mopsuestia (Male): A person
Theodore of Rhamnis (Male): contested candidate for patriarch of Alexandria in 575 CE
Theodoret (Male): bishop of Cyrrhus
Theodōrētos (Male): bishop of Mayperqāṭ
Theodoretus (Male): Chalcedonian patriarch of Antioch (until 812)
Theodoric Strabo (Male): A person
Theodoric the Great (Male): A person
Theodōros Bar Wahbūn (Male): monk, anti-patriarch
Theodoros (Male): a Greek captain from the legendary past
Theodōros (Male): Melkite interpreter, from Melitene
Theodōros (Male): monk of Bar Gagai
Theodōros (Male): a heretical patriarch of Alexandria after Macarius II
Theodoros (Male): bishop of Kayshūm
Theodōros (Male): bishop of Marʿash
Theodōros (Male): bishop of Gishrā
Theodōros (Male): bishop of Gishrā
Theodōros (Male): bishop of Rēshʿaynā
Theodōros (Male): bishop of the Najrāyē and Banū Taghlib
Theodorus (Male): bishop
Theodorus Lector (Male): A person
Theodorus the Atheist (Male): the Atheist
Theodosios Bar Ṣawmā (Male): bishop of Callinicum

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