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Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Āmid
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Doliche
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Manbij
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Sarūgh
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Ḥarrān
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of the Arab Tribes
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Ṭūr ʿAbdīn
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Zibaṭra
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Mārdīn
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Malatya
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Sarūgh
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of the Najrāyē and Banū Maʿadd
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Anazarbos
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Damascus
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Qarnah
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Kallinikos
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Tiberias
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Zibaṭra
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Cyrrhus
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Herat
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Rēshʿaynā
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Tiberias
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Arsamosata
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Nisibis
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Doliche
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Ṭūr ʿAbdīn
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Zeugma
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Dārā
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Dārā and Khābūrā
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Ḥawrān of Bithynia
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Rēshʿaynā
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Āmid
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of ʿArqā
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Tella and Lāqabīn
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Zibaṭra
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Jerusalem
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Lāqabīn
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Damascus
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Rēshʿaynā and Mārdīn
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Ḥāmām
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Kleisoura
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Ṭūr ʿAbdīn/Qartamîn
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Tarsus
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Beth Nūhadrā
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Kallinikos
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Shalbadīn
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Takrīt
Yūḥanon (Male): bishop of Baghdad
Yūḥanon III (Male): monophysite patriarch of Antioch
Yūḥanon IV (Male): monophysite patriarch of Antioch
Yūḥanon IX Theodōros (Male): monophysite patriarch of Antioch
Yūḥanon Kīwānāyā (Male): metropolitan of Takrīt
Yūḥanon Mawdyānā (Male): bishop of Mārdīn
Yūḥanon Mūsīqāyā (Male): bishop of Mayperqāṭ
Yūḥanon of Circesium (Male): a bishop, from Karmā
Yūḥanon of Sarūgh (Male): metropolitan of Takrīt
Yuḥanon of the Sedre (Male): monophysite patriarch of Antioch
Yūḥanon Sābā (Male): metropolitan of Takrīt, of Mār Mattāy, of Beth Parsāyē
Yūḥanon Saʿīd bar Ṣabūnī (Male): bishop of Malatya
Yūḥanon Simʿān (Male): bishop of Arsamosata
Yūḥanon the Armenian (Male): archimandrite?
Yūḥanon the Egyptian (Male): bishop of Malatya
Yūḥanon the eunuch (Male): monk
Yūḥanon the Nazirite (Male): monk of Edessa
Yūḥanon Ṭūbānā (Male): bishop of Circesium
Yūḥanon V (Male): monophysite patriarch of Antioch
Yūḥanon VII d-Sarīghtah (Male): monophysite patriarch of Antioch
Yūḥanon X Bar Shūshān (Male): monophysite patriarch of Antioch
Yūḥanon XII Mawdyānā (Male): monophysite patriarch of Antioch
Yunus (Male): Ottoman cavalry commander
Yūnus b. ʿAbd al-Aʿlā (Male): A person
Yūnus b. ʿAbdallāh b. al-Ṣaffār Abū l-Walīd (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Abī ʿAlī Abū l-Walīd al-Āburī (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Bukayr (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Ḥabīb (Male): A person
Yūnus b. ʿImrān b. Jamīʿ b. Bashshār b. Ziyād (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Malik Maḥmūd b. Ghāzī (Male): Danishmendid amir of Masrā
Yūnus b. Mattā (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Maysara b. Ḥalbas (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Muẓaffar b. Yūsuf al-Urmawī Yūnus b. Mughīth b. al-Ṣafā Abū l-Walīd (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Nāfiʿ Abū Ghānim al-Marwazī (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Sayf al-Khawlānī (Male): A person
Yūnus b. ʿUthmān Abū Shuʿba al-Muqriʾ (Male): A person
Yūnus b. Yazīd al-Aylī (Male): A person
Yūnus al-Muʾnisī (Male): A person
Yuqṭān b. ʿĀmir b. Shālakh b. Arfakhshad (Male): A person
Yūsā (Male): one of the Disciples
Yūsāy (Male): one of the Disciples
Yusayr b. ʿUmar (Male): A person
Yusēp‘ (Male): A person
Yūshaʿ b. Nūn (Male): Jewish mayor of Fadak who capitulated to Muhammad
Yusik, Priest (Male): A person
Yūsuf Bak (Male): "‘son of Qaramān’, ‘king’ of ʿAlāyā"
Yūsuf Bughra (Male): "malik"
Yusuf (Male): Ottoman general
Yūsuf (Male): "(Atābek)"
Yūsuf b. ʿAbd al-Aḥad b. Sufyān Abū l-Ḥasan al-Qimanī (Male): A person
Yūsuf b. ʿAbdallāh b. Khayrūn Abū ʿUmar al-Undī (Male): A person
Yūsuf b. ʿAbdallāh b. Salām (Male): A person

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