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Ռամադան: The month of fasting in the Islamic calendar
ռայէս: Leader of a village or town
սահաթ: A practice
Սահմի: Third month of the Armenian calendar
սանտալուն: a type of boat
սըլեխ: Weaponry
սուլտան: Title for a ruler
սուրկուն: banishment or exile
սօլթան: Title for a ruler
վարդապետ: A teacher of theology in the Armenian tradition
Վարդավառ: A Christian feast
վեղար: A hood worn by Christian clergy
վերադիտող: A Christian ecclesiastical leader responsible for a region
տահիրի դրամ: a type of coin
տանուտէր: Title for an Armenian chief or head of a hosue
տարտարոս: A practice
տաւլպանդ: A piece of cloth wound around the head, often indicating social status
Տեառնընդառաջ: A Christian feast celebrating the presentation of Jesus in the Temple (narrated in Luke 2:22-38)
տուկատ: A type of coin
Տրէ: Fourth month of the Armenian calendar
րաբունապետ: an honorific term for a religious teacher
րաբունի: an honorific term for a religious teacher (cf. John 20:16)
փադշահ: Title for Muslim rulers
փաթշահ: Title for Muslim rulers
փահլաւան: A hero or champion
փաշահ: Title for Muslim rulers
փատշահ: Title for Muslim rulers
փէղամբար: The concept of a divinely inspired and sent religious leader
փիլոն: A liturgical over-garment worn by Christian clerics
փոշիման: Designation as repentant
Քաղոց: Fifth month of the Armenian calendar
քաւսա: considered a type of physical deformity
քէմիայ: Alchemy
ֆլորի: A type of coin
Ֆռանգութիւն: The religion of the Franks