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խլայ: A robe of honor
խոճայ: A term of respect and honor
խոնդքար: Title
խոջա: A term of respect and honor
խոջայ: A term of respect and honor
խոստակ: Property, wealth, estate
խովանդքար: Title
խսար: Besieging a fortified town or fortress
խօնդքար: Title
խօնտքար: Title
խօջայ: A term of respect and honor
կաթողիկոս: office
կաթուղիկոս: office
կալոգերոսք: A male Christian ascetic who has taken a vow of celibacy
կալոկրիայք: A female Christian ascetic who has taken a vow of celibacy
կապիճ: A measure for grain, equivalent to khoinix
կարապետ Նեռն: The idea that some people prefigure the Antichrist that will come at the end of time
կլայ: A type of stronghold
կողմնապետ: An Armenian military commander
կումաշ: manufactured cloths, fabrics
Կրկնոյ Զատիկ: The Sunday following Easter in the Armenian church
  • Հ
  • հազինայ: A treasury
    հալալ: Designation as lawful, licit, or legitimate
    հայրապետութիւն: A highest-ranking church official
    հասայ: Property exclusively for a ruler's use
    հասրաթամահ: A practice
    հարամ: Designation as prohibited or unlawful
    հարամիկս: A thief
    հեսար: Besieging a fortified town or fortress
    հէշիմ հաճի: A pilgrim who had visited Jerusalem
    հիւքմ: A concept of judgment, decision, conviction, decree, command, government
    հուքմ: A concept of judgment, decision, conviction, decree, command, government
    հսար: Besieging a fortified town or fortress
  • Ղ
  • ղաբալ: A contract
    ղադի: A Muslim judge who bases his decisions on the sharīʾa
    ղազա: Raiding, especially against infidels
    ղազայ: Raiding, especially against infidels
    ղան: Title for a Turkic or Mongol ruler
    ղատէստան: A Muslim judge who bases his decisions on the sharīʾa
    ղատըրղա: A galley ship
    ղարիպնի: A refugee or exile
    ղաւլ: A stipulation or vow
    ղափուտան: ship's captain
    ղուպայ: A dome, cupola, or domed building
  • Մ
  • մալ: A payment to the government for the ability to cultivate the soil
    մահդասի: A pilgrim who had visited Jerusalem
    մաղթասի: A pilgrim who had visited Jerusalem
    մարաջախտ: Title
    մարաջախտութիւն: Title
    Մարերի: Tenth month of the Armenian calendar
    մելիք: Title
    Մեհեկ: Seventh month of the Armenian calendar
    Մեհեկան: Seventh month of the Armenian calendar
    մերտին դրամ: a type of coin named after Mārdīn
    մզկիթ: A place where Muslims gather to pray
    մէլէք: Title
    մէլիք: Title
    մըզկիթ: A place where Muslims gather to pray
    մընարա: A minaret
    միր: Title
    միրզա: Title
    միրզայ: Title
    միրզէ: Title
    մնարայ: A minaret
    մնիրա: A minaret
    մնիրայ: A minaret
    մոթ: A unit of measure
    մոլնայ: A Muslim learned religious leader, a mullah
    մուլք: Property, wealth, estate
    մուղրիք: A Qur’ān reciter
    մուսխ: A practice
    մուրտառ: decaying flesh
    մսքիթ: A place where Muslims gather to pray
    մրզայ: Title
    մօլնայ: A Muslim learned religious leader, a mullah
  • Յ
  • Յինանց: The period from Easter to Pentecost
  • Ն
  • նաղարայ: a type of drum
    նամազ: Muslim prescribed prayers
    նայիպ: A deputy or substitute
    Նաւասարդ: First month of the Armenian calendar
    նաֆաղայ: Livelihood, allowance
    Նեռն: An eschatological figure in Christianity and Islam on the side of evil
    նղմունս: A subterranean hiding place to resist sieges
    նոյին: Title for a Mongol military officer
  • Շ
  • շահ: Title for a ruler
    շահաստան: A practice
    շքրիկք: A messenger, courier
  • Ո
  • ուսթայ: A master or teacher of a profession or craft
  • Չ
  • չարխ: A practice
    չաւլ: land without agriculture or settlements
  • Պ
  • պակ: Title
    պահատուր: Title
    պապ: Title for a pope, formerly used for all bishops, and still used by the Coptic patriarchs of Alexandria as well as the bishops of Rome
    պէկ: Title
    պոլիս: Designation of a settlement as a city
    պուրճ: A type of fortification, a tower
  • Ջ
  • ջաբռըն: a pejorative term for a Zoroastrian, or more generally a "pagan" or "infidel"
    ջալաթ: An executioner
    ջամբլ: An office
  • Ռ
  • ռաղիաթ: A term for subject people, especially non-Muslim subjects

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