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Khiḍr Khān (Male): "son of Muḥammad Shāh Khaljī"
al-Khiḍr al-Sulamī (Male): A person
Khilās b. ʿAmr b. al-Mundhir b. ʿAṣar (Male): A person
Khindif b. al-Ḥārith al-Thaqafī (Male): A person
Khindif (Laylā bt. Ḥulwān) (Female): A person
Khirāsh b. al-Musayyab al-Yamānī (Male): A person
Khirniq bt. Hiffān b. Badr (Female): A person
Khoja ‘Alī (Male): A person
Khōja Astuatsatur (Male): A person
Khoja Gorg (Male): A person
Khoja Yōhanēs (Male): A person
Khomasbēlos (Male): king of the Chaldeans
Khosrov (Male): A person
Khoyan Khat‘un (Female): A person
Khronos (Male): a ruler who reportedly killed Levi, one of the seventy Disciples
KhRShY b. ʿAbd al-Khāliq b. Ruqayba b. Mushayyib (Male): A person
Khrysobourgios (Male): judge at Malatya
al-KhTYʾN (Group): A group
Khubāb b. al-Arab (Male): A person
Khubayb b. ʿAdī al-Anṣārī (Male): A person
Khudayj b. ʿAmr (Male): A person
Khudayj b. al-ʿAwjāʾ al-Naṣrī (Male): A person
Khuḍayr (Male): A mawla of Ṣāliḥ
Khulayda al-Sijistānī (Male): A person
Khulayd ʿAynayn (Male): a poet
Khulayd b. Daʿlaj (Male): A person
Khulayd b. al-Mundhir (Male): A person
Khul (Male): A person
Khumārawayh b. Aḥmad b. Ṭūlūn (Male): A person
Khumārtakīn (Male): A person
al-Khunāʿī (Male): A person
Khunāṣira b. ʿAmr b. al-Ḥārith b. Kaʿb al-Malik (Male): A person
Khunays b. Saʿd (Male): A person
Khurāsānīs (Group): A group
Khurāsha b. ʿAmr al-ʿAbsī (Male): A person
Khurdānāyē (Group): Arab tribe
Khurmīza (Male): amir of al-Jazīra
Khurzād b. Bās (Male): A person
Khurzād Umm Ardashīr (Female): A person
Khushqadam (Male): A person
Khusrau (Male): king of Armenia, founder of an Arsacid dynasty
Khusrau (Male): king of Armenia, third king of his dynasty
Khusrau (Male): father of Arīveh
Khusrau (Male): Armenian priest
Khusrau (Male): king of Armenia, founder of an Arsacid dynasty
Khusraw b. Ḥamza b. WNDRYN Abū l-Fatḥ al-Uramī al-Qazwīnī (Male): A person
Khusraw I (Male): Sasanian Shah, son of Qavad
Khusraw II (Male): A person
Khusraw II Parwīz (Male): Persian Shah, son of Hormizd
Khusrūjird b. Shāhān (Male): A person
Khuthaym al-Ziyādī (Male): A person
Khuwaylid b. Asad b. ʿAbd al-ʿUzzā (Male): A person
Khuzāʿī b. ʿAbd Nuhm (Male): A person
Khuzayma b. ʿAlī b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Abū l-Faḍl al-Ākhurī (Male): A person
Khuzayma b. Khāzim (Male): A person
Khuzayma b. Mudrika b. Ilyās b. Muḍar (Male): A person
Khūz (Group): Could be from Khuzistan or could be an error for "Khazar"
Khwāhar-zādih (ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd al-ʿAbdānī) (Male): A person
Khwāja Buhra (Male): A person
Khwāja Isḥāq (Male): "merchant"
Khwāja Kāfī (Male): "benefactor in Fārs"
Khwāja Maʿrūf (Male): "governor of Baghdād"
Khwāja Muhadhdhab (Male): "merchant at Kawlam"
Khwārazmians (Group): A group
Khwārazm-Shāh Atsiz b. Muḥammad b. Anūshtikīn (Male): A person
Khwārazm-Shāh Muḥammad b. Takish b. Alb Arslān (Male): A person
Khwārazm-Shāh Takish b. Arslān (Male): A person
al-Khwārizmī (Male): "eminent jurist at Mīlās"
Khwāshādhih (Male): Treasurer of ʿAḍud al-Dawla
Kifālī Niqūla (Male): "Byzantine commander at Mahtūlī"
Kifālī Qarās (Male): "alleged title of the Byzantine prince, brother of the Khātūn Bayalūn"
Kilāb b. Umayya b. Ḥurthān b. al-Askar (Male): A person
al-Kilābī (Male): A person
Kilij Arslān I (Male): Seljuq sultan of rum
Kilij Arslān II (Male): son of Masʿūd
Kināna (Male): man from Kalb
Kināna b. ʿAbd Yālīl (Male): A person
Kināna b. al-Rabīʿ b. Abī l-Ḥaqīq (Male): A person
Kināz al-Ṣaḥābī (Male): A person
Kinda (Group): A group
al-Kindī Abū ʿUmar (Muḥammad b. Yūsuf) (Male): A person
al-Kindī al-Manbijī al-Kindī Abū l-Ashʿath (Male): A person
Kings of Ghassān (Group): A group
Kings of Judah (Group): A group
kings of Lakedaimōn (Group): A group
kings of Medes (Group): A group
kings of the Corinthians (Group): A group
kings of the Latins (Group): A group
kings of the Lydians (Group): A group
kings of the Macedonians (Group): A group
kings of the Persians (Group): A group
kings of the Sicyonians (Group): A group
Kirakos Agrkts‘i (Male): A person
Kirakos Eznkayets‘i (Male): A person
Kirakos (Male): A person
Kirakos (Male): A person
Kirakos (Male): A person
Kirakos (Male): A person
Kirakos (Male): A person
Kirakos Jōshkants‘ (Male): A person

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