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Lāʿāzar (Male): bishop of Nisibis
Lāʿāzar (Male): bishop of Gishrā
Lāʿāzar (Male): bishop of Arsamosata
Lāʿāzar (Male): bishop of Tarsus
Lāʿāzar (Male): bishop of Tarsus
Lāʿāzar (Male): bishop of Irenopolis
Lāʿāzar (Male): bishop of Anazarbos
Lāʿāzar (Male): bishop of Baghdad
Lāʿāzar Ignatios (Male): bishop of Takrīt
Lāʿāzar Mardānāyā (Male): officer of al-Maʾmūn
Laban (Male): A brother of Rebekah in Genesis
Labīb al-Qaysī (Male): A mawla of Muḥammad b. ʿIyāḍ
Labīd b. al-Aʿṣam (Male): A Jewish contemporary of Muhammad
Labīd b. Rabīʿa (Male): A person
Labīd b. ʿUṭārid b. Ḥājib b. Zurāra al-Tamīmī (Male): A person
Labīd b. Ziyād al-Bayāḍī (Male): A person
al-Labīdī (Male): A person
al-Labū (Group): A group
Labyda (Female): twin sister of Abel
Ladislao of Naples (Male): A person
Ladislaus V of Hungary (Male): A person
al-Laftawānī Abū Bakr (Male): A person
Lagids (Group): A group
al-Laḥḥām (Male): A person
Lāḥiq Abū Quṣāqiṣ al-Naṣrī (Male): A person
Lāḥiq b. al-Ḥusayn b. ʿImrān Abū ʿAmr al-Ṣudarī (Male): A person
al-Laḥjī (Male): A person
al-Lāʾiḥiyya (Group): A group
al-Laʿīn al-Minqarī (Male): A person
Lakedaimōn (Male): eponymous founder of Lakedaimōn (Sparta)
Lakedaimonians (Group): A group
Lakhm (Group): tribe
Lala Shahin Pasha (Male): A person
Lamech (Male): descendant of Cain
Lamech (Male): father of Noah
Lāmiʿa bt. Aḥmad al-Dulayjānī (Female): A person
Lamīs (Female): mentioned by Imriʾ al-Qays
Lamīs bt. Zuhayr (Female): A person
Lamkī (Female): afterwards called Mubāraka, an enslaved woman at Sandābūr
Lampridēs (Male): king of Assyria
Lanṭā b. Kaslūkhīm b. Yūnān b. Yāfith (Male): A person
Laodiceans (Group): A group
Laonikos Chalkokondyles (Male): A person
Laosthenēs (Male): king of the Assyrians
Lapidoth (Male): husband of Deborah
Laqīṭ b. Mālik al-Azdī (Male): A person
Laqīṭ b. Yaʿmar al-Azdī (Male): A person
Laqīṭ b. Zurāra (Male): A person
Laronios (Male): son of Lud
Lashkar Khan (Male): A ruler of the region of Dasht.
Lasion (Male): one of the Disciples
Latins (Group): A group
Latinus (Male): king of the Latins
Lavinia (Female): daughter of Latinus
Lāyasōn (Male): one of the Disciples
Laylā al-Akhyaliyya (Female): A person
Layla (Female): Layla from "Layla and Majnun" story
Layla bt. Mas‘ud Nahshali (Female): The daughter of Mas'ud Nahshali and a wife of ‘Ali b. Abi Talib.
Layth (Male): amir of Qinnasrīn
Layth (Male): Christian of the Banū Tanūkh
al-Layth b. Muḥammad (Male): A person
al-Layth b. Naṣr b. Sayyār (Male): A person
al-Layth b. Saʿd b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Miṣrī (Male): Egyptian legal scholar
Laythuddawla Nushtegin (Male): A person
Lazar I Hrebljanović (Male): A person
Lazar II Brankovic (Male): A person
Lazarus (Male): Lazarus of Bethany
Lazonii (Group): people
Lazonii (Group): people
al-LBWD (Male): A person
Leah (Female): Biblical matriarch, wife of Jacob
Leaina (Female): courtesan
Lentares, Ioannes (Male): A person
Leodorikes (Male): A person
Leo (Male): notable of Constantinople
Leo I (Male): bishop of Rome
Leo I (Male): Byzantine emperor
Leo I (Male): king of Cilicia
Leo II (Male): son of Zeno (Leontinus)
Leo II (Male): A person
Leo II (Male): Levon the Magnificent (r. 1187-1219)
Leo IV (Male): the Khazar, emperor
Leontaris, Bochalis (Male): A person
Leontius (Male): bishop of Antioch
Leontius (Male): usurper
Leontius (Male): governor of Āmid
Leontius (Male): bishop of Ḥayṣartā
Leontius (Male): emperor
Leontius (Male): bishop of Ascalon
Leontius (Male): hermit in Lycia
Leopold VI (Male): Duke of Austria
Leopold VII (Male): Duke of Austria
Leo the Isaurian (Male): emperor
Leo V (Male): the Armenian, emperor
Leo VI the Wise (Male): Byzantine emperor
Leskhēs of Lesbos (Female): poet
Letoius (Male): bishop of Melitene
Levi (Male): one of the Seventy
Levi (Male): one of the Disciples
Levi (Male): bishop of Jerusalem

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