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RKLH (region): A district near Zaragoza in al-Andalus
ʾRNʾD (region): A rural district near Hamadhān
Romagna (region): a region in Italy
Ṙshtunik‘ (region): A place
Rūdhabār (region): A district near Isfahan
Rūdhrāwar (region): An area near Nihawand
al-Ruḥāba (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
al-Ruḥba (region): A district between Medina and Syria near Wādī al-Qurā
Russia, Black (region): A place
Russia (region): a country in Eastern Europe
Russia, White (region): A place
Saar (region): A region in Palestine where Jonah lived after returning from Nineveh
Sabaʾ (region): A region in Yemen
Sabartha (region): field in Palestine, home of Zephaniah the prophet
Ṣaʿb (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Sabība (region): A district in Ifrīqiyya
Sābūr (region): A region of Fars around al-Nubandijan
al-Ṣadif (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
al-Sāfila (region): An area below Medina as far as Uḥud
al-Ṣafrā (region): "valley towards Mecca"
Ṣaghāniyān (region): A region in central Asia
Sahara (region): a desert in Africa
al-Sāhira (region): A plain near Jerusalem
Ṣaḥrāʾ Qīrāṭ (region): A desert near Baghdad
Ṣā (region): A region in Egypt
al-Ṣaʿīd (region): upper Egypt
al-Sakāsik (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Salaq Aḥmad b. Rawḥ (region): A valley at the origin of the lower Zāb river between Shahrazūr and Adharbayjān
al-Salaq (region): One of the districts of al-Yamama
Salento (region): A place
al-Salif (region): A mikhlāf of Yemen
Salt desert (region): region near Aleppo
Samaria (region): region of Palestine
Samts‘khē (region): A place
Samur (region): A district of al-`Aqiq
Sandalj (region): A region in the Balkans, modern Hercegovina
al-Saqūyāsīs (region): A region in which Alexander the Great built one of many cities named al-Iskandariyya
Sarḥa (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Ṣarīfīn (region): An area near the Euphrates
Sarira (region): region of Palestine where Ezekiel was from according to Epiphanius
al-Sarw (region): "fertile district near Mecca"
Sasunk‘ (region): district of Armenia
Savoy (region): A place
al-Sawād (region): a district near Malatya
al-Sawād (region): The agricultural region of southern Iraq
Sawāḥil (region): "(East African coastlands)"
Ṣawwarān (region): A region near Hims
Saxony (region): a region in Germany
Ṣaymara (region): A district with many villages near al-Basra
Seba (region): a desert outside Assuan, Egypt
Sebastia (region): A place
Seir (region): A mountainous region southeast of the Dead Sea
Ṣemḥā (region): region
Serbia (region): A place
Serika (region): country
Shabāba (region): A district near Mecca
Shabakhtan (region): A medieval region east of Edessa and north of Harran, mentioned in Arabic chronicles from the Crusader period.
Shaʿbayn (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Shabwa (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Shaḥāṭ (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Shāh Fīrūz (region): A rural district near Hīt and ʿĀnāt
Shahrazūr (region): A wide district in western Iran between Irbil and Hamadhan
Shākir (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Shalmaghān (region): A district near al-Wasit
Shalūn (region): A region in al-Andalus
Shāma (region): A region between the mountains of al-Mīʿās and Murbikh
Shambi-Dzor (region): A place
Shāniyā (region): A rural district near al-Kufa
Shant Ashtānī (region): A region in al-Andalus
Shanūʾa (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Sharʿab (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
al-Sharāh (region): An area between Damascus and Medina
Shāwadhār (region): A region near Samarqand
Shayyiba (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen between Zabīd and Ṣanʿāʾ
al-Shiḥr (region): A section of the coast of Yemen on the Indian Ocean
Shik‘ar (region): A place
Shīlā (region): A district near al-Kūfa
Shiṙean (region): A place
Shirvan (region): A place
Shittim (region): a valley near the Dead Sea
Shur (region): A wilderness area mentioned in the Bible (Exodus 15:22)
Shuṭb (region): A region in southern Egypt
Siberia (region): a region in northern Asia
al-Sīb (region): A region of the Sawad near al-Kufa
Sijistān (region): A wide region several days journey south of Herat
Ṣimkān (region): "district in Fārs"
al-Sind (region): A region between India and Kirman and Sijistan
Sinḥān (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
al-Ṣīn (region): The agricultural region around the Yellow River in East Asia (China)
Ṣīn-Kalān (region): "(province)"
al-Sirr (region): A mikhlāf in Yemen
Sīsār (region): A rural district near Hamadhān
Siwnik‘ (region): A place
Skete (region): in Egypt
Skythia (region): A place
Slavia (region): Land of the Slavs
Slavonia (region): a region that borders with Bohemia
SLFʾNRWDh (region): A rural district near Hamadhān
SMKYN (region): A district near Damascus
SMYR (region): A rural district near Hamadhān

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