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Kurluh (settlement): "near Yaznīk (Iznik)"
Kurmula (settlement): "in Ceylon"
Kurramiyya (settlement): A village near Mosul
Kusā (settlement): A village outside Alexandria
Kūshān (settlement): A city in eastern Turkestan
Kushkizar (settlement): "village in Fārs (also "Kushkizard")"
Kushmayhan (settlement): A large village near Marw
Kūsīn (settlement): Perhaps a village in Filastin
Kūtāhiya (settlement): "city of Phrygia"
Kūthā (settlement): In an area with salt flats from which the Dajjāl will reportedly emerge
Kūthth (settlement): Town in Yemen
Kuwār (settlement): A town in Fars ten farsakhs from Shiraz
Kuwil (settlement): "(ʿAlīgarh)"
KWJʾN (settlement): A village near Tīramardān
Kymē (settlement): town in Anatolia
Kyparissia (settlement): A town in the Peloponnese
Kyrene (settlement): A place
Kyrenia (settlement): A city on the northern coast of Cyprus
Labb (settlement): A city in al-Andalus near the ocean
Labda (settlement): A place
al-Lāb (settlement): A town of Nubia, where Kafur al-Ikhshidi was from
Labla (settlement): A city in al-Andalus
Lachish (settlement): A town in ancient Israel, mentioned in the Bible
al-Lādhiqiyya (settlement): "Also Latakia, on the coast of Syria"
al-Lādhiqiyya (settlement): A place
Lādhir (settlement): A city in Mukrān
Laftawān (settlement): A village near Isfahan
Lāharī (settlement): "(in Sind)"
Lāḥij (settlement): A village near Ṣanʿāʾ in Yemen
Lahore (settlement): A city in India
Laish (settlement): An ancient Canaanite town, mentioned in the Bible
al-Lajjūn (settlement): "station in Jordan"
Lākamālān (settlement): A village near Marw
Lakedaimōn (settlement): town
al-Laknaw (settlement): "(Lucknow)"
Laknawti (settlement): "capital of Bengal"
Lakonia (settlement): A place
Lakz (settlement): A small town near Darband
Lalish (settlement): A small mountain valley village in northern Iraq. Destination of Yazidi pilgrimage.
Lalish (settlement): A village northeast of Mosul
Lāmaghān (settlement): A village near Ghazna
Lamāya (settlement): A city in al-Andalus
Lambron (settlement): A place
Lamia (settlement): a city in Greece
Lāmish (settlement): A village of Farghana
Lāmis (settlement): A village of al-Gharb
Lāmis (settlement): A port village near Tarsus
Lampsakos (settlement): A place
Laodicea (settlement): in Syria
Lapathus (settlement): town of Cyprus
Lāqabīn (settlement): episcopal city near Malatya
al-Lāranda (settlement): "city of central Turkey"
Larankhon (settlement): town of Chaldea
al-Lār (settlement): "town in Fārs"
Lārida (settlement): A famous city in al-Andalus east of Cordoba (modern Lleida)
Larissa (settlement): town of Thessaly
Lāriz (settlement): A village near Amul in Tabaristan
Lārjān (settlement): A town between al-Ray and Amul in Tabaristan
Lāshkird (settlement): A town in Kirmān
Laṭmīn (settlement): a village in Syria
Lāwakand (settlement): A city in al-Khuttal
Lawbayān (settlement): A village in Karmān
Lawchin (settlement): A place
Lawhūr (settlement): A large city in India
Lāwī (settlement): A village between Baysān and Nābulus, in which is the tomb of Levi, the son of Jacob
Lawkar (settlement): A village near Marw, ruined by 1225 CE
Lawra (settlement): "waterpoint towards al-Najaf"
Laydīn (settlement): Syrian town near Ḥimṣ
al-Layyin (settlement): A village near Marw
Lebadeia (settlement): A place
Leontarion (settlement): A city in the Peloponnese
Libnah (settlement): An ancient Canaanite city mentioned in the Bible (Joshua 10:29)
Limassol (settlement): on the island Cyprus
Lipara (settlement): town
Lisbon (settlement): A city in al-Andulus
Livias (settlement): town
Locri (settlement): town of Bruttium
Lodi (settlement): A place
Loidorikion (settlement): A place
London (settlement): A place
Lōngshēn (settlement): A place
Loṙi (settlement): A place
lower Beth Horon (settlement): A town in ancient Israel, mentioned in the Bible
al-ʿLʾQMH (settlement): A small town near Bilbīs in Egypt
Lubna (settlement): A village near al-Mahdiyya in Ifrīqiyya
Lucca (settlement): a city in Italy
Ludd (settlement): A village in Filastin
Lukk (settlement): A town between Alexandria and western Tripoli
Luʾluʾa (settlement): A village near ʿAthr in Yemen
Lunbān (settlement): A large village near Isfahan
Lunel (settlement): a city in southern France
Luqān (settlement): A town in Anatolia raided by Sayf al-Dawla
Lūraqa (settlement): A city in eastern al-Andalus (Lorca)
Lurdaghan (settlement): A city southwest of Isfahan (modern Lordegan).
Lusis (settlement): a city in the Arabian Peninsula or Iraq (?)
Lykonia (settlement): town in Italy
Lysimachia (settlement): town of Thrace
Maʾāb (settlement): A city east of the Dead Sea, the ancient Rabbah of Moab
al-Maʿalla (settlement): A village near Mosul
Maʿān (settlement): A city in Syria

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