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Arqada (fortification): The castle of Arcadiopolis, seven days' journey from Constantinople
Artāḥ (fortification): A castle near Aleppo
al-ʿArūs (fortification): One of the fortifications of the sea in Yemen
al-ʿArūs (fortification): One of two fortresses near Samarra (the other being al-Shāh)
al-Athārib (fortification): A castle between Aleppo and Antioch
ʿAthlīth (fortification): A castle south of Haifa on the coast of Filastin, conquered by Salah al-Din in 583 AH / 1187 CE
Ātīl (fortification): A place
ʿAwādin (fortification): A fortress of Dhimār in Yemen
Awlās (fortification): A castle on the coast of Cilicia near Tarsus
Awral (fortification): A castle in al-Yamama
Aznāw (fortification): A castle near Hamadhan
Azn (fortification): A place
ʿAzzān Khabt (fortification): A castle near Taʿizz in Yemen
Babylon (fortification): A pre-Islamic castle in Egypt, near Fusṭāṭ
Bahasnā (fortification): A castle near Marʿash and Samosata
Baka (fortification): fortress in Cilicia
Bāndus (fortification): A Byzantine castle north of Constantinople
Barām (fortification): A castle in Arabia
Bardzr-Berd (fortification): A place
Barʿ (fortification): A castle of Dhimār in Yemen
Barʿiyya (fortification): stronghold of Mesopotamia
Barjama (fortification): A castle of the Romans in the poetry of Jarir
Bātikrū (fortification): A castle on the Jayhun river
Bayt ʿIzz (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Bazda (fortification): A castle six farsakhs from Nasaf
Bikisrāʾīl (fortification): A castle near Hims and Jabala
Bina (fortification): A fortress in al-Andalus
black castle (fortification): A castle in Cilicia on the road to al-Maṣṣīṣa
Blichayn (fortification): A place
BʾRWQṬH (fortification): A castle in the kleisoura of Charsianon
BṬNH (fortification): The seat of the Byzantine strategos of Opsikion
Bughrās (fortification): "castle near Antioch, also spelled "Baghrās""
Bukur (fortification): A castle in Yemen, near Ṣanʿāʾ and Ẓafr
Būlā (fortification): fortress on the banks of the Arsanias
al-Būnt (fortification): A fortification in al-Andalus
Burj al-Raṣāṣ (fortification): A castle between Aleppo and Antioch
al-Buttam (fortification): A castle in the Farghana region
castle of Abū Bak’har (fortification): A place
castle of Maslama b. ʿAbd al-Malik (fortification): A place
castle of Ptolemy (fortification): A castle between Jerusalem and Jericho reportedly built by Ptolemy, the son of Abubus
castle of St. Paul (fortification): A castle in Cilicia near al-Maṣṣīṣa
Chanderi (fortification): a fortress in India
Chastel Blanc (fortification): A crusader castle near Krac des Chevaliers and the coast (modern Burj Safita)
Constantinople (fortification): walls of,
Crac des Chevaliers (fortification): fortress in Syria
Cumbethfor (fortification): A castle of the Teutonic Knights in Cilicia
Darak (fortification): A castle near Ṭūs or Quhistān
Dhakwān (fortification): "(Coin, fortress in Spain)"
Diadion (fortification): name uncertain
Ḍibāb (fortification): A castle in or near Kufa
al-Dīkdān (fortification): A large fortress on the coast near Hurmuz Island
Dok (fortification): A fortress near Jericho where Ptolemy the son of Abubus killed Simon Maccabeus
al-Dumluwa (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Dunbulā (fortification): A castle on the edge of Shahrastān in Fārs
al-Durzūqiyya (fortification): a fortified building which Anushirvan built in Persian Armenia
DZBZ (fortification): The citadel of the city Sābūr Khwāst
Faʿan (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Faḥṣ al-Ujum (fortification): A castle in Ifriqiyya
fort of Barṣīṣ (fortification): "in Libya"
Gandzē (fortification): A place
Gargarūm (fortification): a Byzantine fortress captured by Maslama b. ʿAbd al-Malik in 92 AH/711 CE
Gavazan (fortification): A place
Ghābir (fortification): A fortress in Yemen
Ghariyyān (fortification): A castle in Yemen on mount Shaṭab
Ghayyāna (fortification): A castle in al-Andalus
Ghudar (fortification): A place
Ghumdān (fortification): A castle between Ṣanʿāʾ and Ṭīwa
al-Ghurābī (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Gūbīdārā (fortification): fortress of Cilicia
Gūbrīn (fortification): fortress near Kyrrhos
al-Ḥadbāʾ (fortification): "name of the citadel of al-Mawṣil"
al-Ḥadda (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Hajar (fortification): A fortress of Mikhlaf Mazan
Hakr (fortification): A foretress in Yemen near Dhimār
al-Ḥamrāʾ (fortification): Near Jerusalem
Ḥaqīl (fortification): A fort in Yemen
Ḥārim (fortification): A castle in northwestern Syria
Harkātū (fortification): (Arcot) A fort on the Ma`bar coast
al-Hattākh (fortification): stronghold near Āmid
Ḥayfā (fortification): A castle on the Mediterranean coast, near Yafa
Herodium (fortification): A castle on a hill 12 km south of Jerusalem
Hirrān (fortification): A castle of Dhimār in Yemen
Ḥiṣn Bint Nuʿm (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Ḥiṣn Dhī l-Qarnayn (fortification): fortress of Ṭūr ʿAbdīn
Ḥiṣn ʿDYS (fortification): A fortress between Manbij and Bālis
Ḥiṣn al-Mankab (fortification): A castle in al-Andalus near Malaga
Ḥiṣn Qulayra (fortification): A castle in al-Andalus near Valencia
Ḥiṣn al-Ward (fortification): In Wasaṭ in al-Yamāma
HNDH (fortification): A castle in Yemen
al-ḤQʾLYH (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Ḥulba (fortification): A castle in the mountain Bura` in the region of Zabid in Yemen
Ḥuraym (fortification): A castle near Ta`izz in Yemen
Ḥūr ʿEvar (fortification): fortress in Ṭūr ʿAbdīn
Ḥuwwārīn (fortification): A castle near Ḥimṣ
al-ʿImādiyya (fortification): A place
Iqlībiya (fortification): A fortress in Ifriqiyya
Īraj (fortification): A castle in Fars
al-Iskandarūna (fortification): A castle between Tyre and Acre
Jaʿbar (fortification): A castle on the Euphrates between Balis and al-Raqqa
al-Jaʿfarī (fortification): A castle built by al-Mutawakkil near Samarra

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