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al-Jardamān (fortification): A place
al-Jawn (fortification): A fortification in al-Yamama
Jaz‘ (fortification): A fortress in the Arabian desert near Ta’if.
Jilyāna (fortification): A castle in al-Andalus
JRDYLYH (fortification): A castle in the Byzantine theme of Cappadocia
Judin (fortification): A castle northeast of Acre
Juwāthāʾ (fortification): The citadel of al-Khutt in Bahrayn
Kadhaj (fortification): A castle in Adharbayjan
al-Kahf (fortification): "castle in Syria"
Kalahok‘ (fortification): A place
Kālwān (fortification): A castle between Badhghis and Herat
Kanbīl (fortification): "castle near Ganges"
Kapnisperti (fortification): fortress in Cilicia
Kaputits‘ (fortification): A place
al-Karak (fortification): "castle in Transjordan"
Karmāṭa (fortification): A place
Karsianon (fortification): stronghold in Cappadocia
Kasūs (fortification): fortress near Edessa
al-Khaḍrāʾ wa-l-Yābis (fortification): A fort in Yemen
Khān al-Ḥadīd (fortification): "fort on the Tigris"
al-Kharrūba (fortification): A fortress on the coast of Palestine overlooking Acre
al-Khawarnaq (fortification): "ancient castle near al-Hira"
Khayrān (fortification): A fortress in Yemen near Sanaa
Khuftiyān Surkhāb b. Badr (fortification): A fortress on the road from Erbil to Shahrazur
Khuftiyān al-Zarzārī (fortification): A fortress on the road from Erbil to Maragha
Khulayṣ (fortification): "A fortress between Mecca and Medina"
al-Khuld (fortification): A castle built by al-Mansur in Baghdad
Khunān (fortification): A place
Khūniyān (fortification): A place
Khut‘ (fortification): A place
Khūziyān (fortification): A castle near Nasaf in Central Asia
Kinkiwar (fortification): A castle near Jazirat Ibn 'Umar
Kirmil (fortification): A castle on a hill overlooking Ḥayfā
al-Kirsh (fortification): A castle near Zabid in Yemen
KLYJRD (fortification): A castle between Khuzistan and Luristan, two stages from Isfahan
Kopitaṙ (fortification): A place
Kovaṙa (fortification): A place
KShRYN (fortification): The citadel of Qazwīn
Kuhāl (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Kulālā (fortification): A fort in Yemen
KWMYD (fortification): A castle in Tabaristan
Lewon Berd (fortification): A place
Limnēs (fortification): stronghold in Cappadocia
Lorca (fortification): A castle in eastern al-Andalus
Lūlōn (fortification): stronghold in Cappadocia
Luʾluʾa (fortification): A castle near Ṭarṭūs
al-LYMH (fortification): A castle in Yemen near Taʿizz
Machaerus (fortification): An ancient castle in which John the Baptist was beheaded
Mādharān (fortification): A castle one day's journey from Hamadhān
Mahtūlī (fortification): "frontier post between the Golden Horde and Byzantium; possibly Jamboli"
Malḥathā (fortification): stronghold in Syria
Manachihr (fortification): A place
Manacusine (fortification): A castle near Qulayʿāt in Syria
al-Manīqa (fortification): "castle in Syria"
Maraqiyya (fortification): A castle near Hims
Mārid (fortification): A fortress in Dumat al-Jandal
al-Marqab (fortification): "castle in Syria"
Masada (fortification): A castle near the western shore of the Dead Sea
al-Maṣāniʿ (fortification): A castle near Ṣanʿāʾ in Yemen
Maʿsar (fortification): A castle above Sīrāf
al-Maʿshūq (fortification): "fort on the Tigris opposite Sāmarrā"
Masrā (fortification): stronghold near Malatya
Maṣyāf (fortification): "castle in Syria"
Mattūth (fortification): A castle between Ahwaz and Wasit
Maybūd (fortification): "castle near Yazd"
Mijdal (fortification): A castle on the Khabur river
Mīrtula (fortification): A fortress near Baja
MʾKThYRĀ (fortification): A castle in the kleisoura of Charsianon
MLʾDhH (fortification): A castle and the site of a battle involving the Saffarid ruler Yaʿqūb b. al-Layth
MNHʾT (fortification): A castle in Yemen
MNTʾB (fortification): A castle in Yemen near Ṣanʿāʾ
Montfort (fortification): A castle four leagues northeast of Acre (also called Qalʿat al-Qurayn)
Mont Pèlerin (fortification): A castle slightly inland from Tripoli
al-MQRʾNH (fortification): A castle in Yemen
MQRYH (fortification): A castle in Yemen
ʿMQYʾN (fortification): A castle on the mountain Juḥāf in Yemen
al-MRʾḤḌH (fortification): A fortress near Ṣanʿāʾ
MRWʾḤ (fortification): A castle in Yemen
MShʾḤJ (fortification): A fortress near Dhimār in Yemen
al-MʿṢWMH (fortification): A citadel in Tāhart
al-Mubārakiyya (fortification): A place
Mulewon (fortification): A place
Mulūnda (fortification): A castle near Zaragoza in al-Andalus
al-Munīf (fortification): A fortress near Taʿiz in Yemen
al-Munīf (fortification): A fortress near ʿAdan in Yemen
Munt Afūṭ (fortification): A castle near Bāja in al-Andalus
Munt Lūn (fortification): A castle near Jayyān in al-Andalus
Munt Shūn (fortification): A castle near Lārida in al-Andalus
Murād (fortification): A castle near Cordoba in al-Andalus
Mūra (fortification): A fortress in al-Andalus
Murkaysh (fortification): A castle near Seville
al-Mushaqqar (fortification): A fortress near Hajar in Bahrayn
Muwaqqar (fortification): A fortification in the Balqa' near Damascus
al-MWʾQR (fortification): A castle in Yemen belonging to Himyar
MYNWQSh (fortification): A castle near Barbushtar
al-MZHD (fortification): A fortress in Yemen near the coast
Nadd (fortification): A castle in Yemen
Naʿmān (fortification): One of the castles of Zabīd
Naʿmān (fortification): A castle on the mountain Waṣāb in Yemen, near Zabīd
Naʿmān al-Ṣadr (fortification): A castle in the district of al-Nijād in Yemen

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