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Montfort (fortification): A castle four leagues northeast of Acre (also called Qalʿat al-Qurayn)
Montjoie (mountain): A hill outside Jerusalem, where some believed the prophet Samuel to be buried
Mont Pèlerin (fortification): A castle slightly inland from Tripoli
Montpellier (settlement): a city in Southern France
monument of John the Baptist (building): A place commemorating where John the Baptist lived alongside the Jordan River
Mopsucrene (settlement): town of Cilicia
Mopsuestia (diocese): Latin archbishopric
Mopsuestia (diocese): Syriac Orthodox diocese
Morasheth (settlement): town of Palestine
Morava River (river): A place
Moriah (mountain): at Jerusalem
Moscow (settlement): A place
Moselle (river): a river in Europe
mosque and tomb of Jonah (mosque): "at al-Mawṣil"
Mosque (mosque): in Ma‘arrat al-Nu‘man
Mosque (mosque): in Sidon
Mosque (mosque): in Acre
Mosque (mosque): in Tiberias
Mosque (mosque): in Caesarea
Mosque of ʿĀʾisha (mosque): A mosque in al-Tanʿīm in Mecca
mosque of ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Ibn al-Bahāʾ (mosque): "at al-Lādhiqīya"
mosque of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (mosque): "at al-Baṣra"
mosque of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (mosque): "near Uḥud"
Mosque of ʿAmr b. al-ʿĀṣ (mosque): "at Cairo"
Mosque of Bilāl (mosque): A place
mosque of Dhū l-Ḥulayfa (mosque): A mosque between Mecca and Medina
Mosque of Dihlī (mosque): A place
Mosque of al-Hakim (mosque): A mosque in Cairo.
Mosque of al-Khayf (mosque): mosque near Mecca
Mosque of al-Khiḍr and Ilyās (mosque): "at Qūqā"
Mosque of al-Kūfa (mosque): A place
Mosque of al-Mu‘izz (mosque): A mosque in Cairo.
Mosque of Namira (mosque): A place
mosque of Noah's ark (mosque): Noah's vessel in the Flood, made into a mosque
mosque of Salmān al-Fārisī (mosque): "at al-Madīna"
Mosque of the Ascension (mosque): A place
Mosque of the Footprints (mosque): "at Damascus"
Mosque of the Olive (mosque): "at Tunis"
Mosque of the Prophets (mosque): "at Ṭabarīya"
Mosque of the Umayyads (mosque): "at Damascus"
mosque of ʿUmar b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (mosque): "at Damascus"
Mosque of Victory (mosque): A place
Mosque of al-Yaqīn (mosque): "near Hebron"
Mostene (settlement): town of ancient Lydia
Mosul (settlement): A city in northern Iraq
Mosul (diocese): Eastern Syriac diocese
Mosul region (region): The region surrounding the city of Mosul.
Mother of God (church): on Mount Gerizim
Mother of God (church): at Baalbek
Mother of God (church): at Laodicea
Mother of God (church): at Zeugma
Mother of God (church): in Persia
Mother of God (church): at Edessa
Mother of God (church): at Antioch
Mother of God (monastery): at Malatya
Mother of God (church): at Āmid
Mother of God (monastery): of unknown location
Mother of God (monastery): at Kleisoura
Mother of God (monastery): monastery at Būndūqah
Mother of God (monastery): monastery, within the monastery of Bar Ṣawmā
Mother of God (monastery): at Anazarbos
Mother of God (monastery): at Qūbbē
Mother of God (monastery): on the Black Mountain
Mouchli (settlement): A city in the Peloponnese
mount Abarim (mountain): A mountain range mentioned in the Bible, east of the Jordan River
mountain of adventures (mountain): A mountain in Cilicia
Mountain of Bethulia (mountain): A mountain near the town Bethulia
Mountain of Edessa (mountain): A place
mountain of Jean de Maurienne (mountain): in France
mountain of Leopards (mountain): A mountain near Tripoli in Syria
mountain of the Holy Cross (mountain): A mountain on Cyprus
Mountain of the Moon (mountain): A mountain rumored to be the source of the Nile river
Mountain of the Sacred Cross (mountain): A high mountain on Cyprus near Limassol
Mount ʿArafāt (mountain): "mountain near Mecca"
Mount Gibeah (mountain): A hill between Jerusalem and Nābulus
mount Gihon (mountain): A hill to the west of Jerusalem
Mount Ḥirāʾ (mountain): A place
Mount Lebanon (mountain): "Also known as "Jabal Lubnān""
Mount Muqaṭṭam (mountain): A place
Mount of Offense (mountain): A hill outside Jerusalem, believed to be the site where Solomon built a temple of Moloch, and by some also the site where Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection (in Matthew 28)
Mount of Temptation (mountain): A hill outside Jericho where some believe Jesus was tempted by the Devil (Matt. 4:8)
Mount Olympos (mountain): A mountain in Bithynia
mount Saron (mountain): A mountain near the road between Acre and Tyre, on which Judin Castle was built
mount Saron (mountain): A mountain near Arsūf
Mount Shiloh (mountain): A mountain two leagues northwest of Jerusalem
MQNʾ (unknown): near Ayla
al-MQRʾNH (fortification): A castle in Yemen
MQRYH (fortification): A castle in Yemen
ʿMQYʾN (fortification): A castle on the mountain Juḥāf in Yemen
al-MRBGhH (unknown): A place in Egypt, where Dār Ḥimmiṣ is located
MRBʾLʾ (region): A district near Khilāṭ
MRDBʾN (unknown): The place where Abū Nuʿaym al-Iṣfahānī, the author of Ḥilyat al-Awliyāʾ, is buried
al-MRDH (mountain): A mountain near al-Rajlāʾ
al-MRʿDH (unknown): water belonging to Amr b. Kilab
al-MRʾḤḌH (fortification): A fortress near Ṣanʿāʾ
al-MRQĀ (unknown): A place near al-Nukhail, thirty-six miles from Medina
al-MRṬ (unknown): A place mentioned inpoetry near al-ʿAzīf
MRWʾḤ (fortification): A castle in Yemen
MShʾḤJ (fortification): A fortress near Dhimār in Yemen
MShKʾDhYN (settlement): A village near al-Ray

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